12. New Place

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Paris, France
Neveah Jones

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and smiled to myself. Yesterday was fun with my mom. We went to her studio and I listened to all her music. It was beautiful. I was mesmerized the whole time. I can't wait to tell Nilan and see how her day went with Daddy.

After getting dressed for the day, I grabbed my basketball and ran downstairs. Sebastian the Butler was in the kitchen.

"How do you do?" He greeted me.

"I'm fine."

"Your breakfast is served."

He scooted my chair back for me and I sat down. He had a grand breakfast like yesterday.

"So what are your plans for today?" Sebastian asked as I downed my food.

"I need to make an important phone call to my friend Ne Ne." I wiped my mouth with the napkin. "I need to tell her about my day yesterday."

Sebastian held up his hand as if he was saying "Wait one minute" and took off to somewhere.

As I sat and ate my food, Nicki's boyfriend stepped inside. I think his name is D or something like that.

"What you in here eating, Munchkin?" He asked and ran his hand through my hair.

I scooted away from him a little. "All this. Please don't touch my hair." I asked nicely.

"Girl, I'll yank all this shit out." He retorted before grabbing a hand full of my hair and tugging at it.

"I said STOP!" I screamed and pushed his hands off of me.

Nilan told me about this guy. She said he would always stare at her awkwardly and that he never liked to talk around her. He seemed like a big bully right now.

"Whatever, Crybaby." He snickered and walked out the door.

Sebastian came back in and handed me an iPhone.

"Courtesy of Ms.Maraj." He smiled.

I gasped and grabbed the phone before rushing off to go to my room. I made sure to lock the door and dialed my dad's house.

"Hello?" His deep voice answered in the phone.

Aw I miss him so much.

"Hey! May I speak to Neveah?" I asked.

"Neveah stop playing on the phone and go sit down." He sighed.

I frowned a bit. "D-...Sir my name is Ni Ni. I would like to speak to Neveah please? I'm her friend from camp."

He cleared his throat. "Oh. My bad. Let me take the phone to her."

I heard little sounds from his end before Nilan's voice filled my ear.

"Girl, I got so much to tell you!" She whispered into the phone.

"What's happening? I got so much to tell you too."

I laid back on the bed and kicked my feet.

"You first. Because mine is bad news." She yawned.

"Okay well yesterday was sooooo amazing! Mom is so cool! I can't believe I've been away from her all my life." I said excitedly.

"I told you she was cool. Dad is too. We had a lot of fun yesterday. But there's something I got to tell you."

I got quiet and let her talk. "What is it?"

"Dad has a girlfriend named Starfish or whatever and he's talking about marrying her."

I froze in place and slowly leaned up on my forearms.

"What? Why? He told me he wouldn't." I whispered back.

"She came by yesterday and the two made up. They've been hanging out here since last night. She's so freaking awful. She's a horrible person. I hate her." Nilan spat into the receiver.

"Ni, we have to do something. And fast!"

Nilan Jones
Malibu, California

"What are we supposed to do?"

I peeped out of my bedroom to make sure no one was listening. Daddy was downstairs still with Ms. Swordfish or whatever her name is.

"He have not talked to mommy in twelve whole years. It's time we bring them together."

"How? That's a lot of work." I told her. "And who's to say the plan will work."

Neveah smacked her teeth. "Don't you know that they will HAVE to meet if we switched places? They have to-,"

"Switch us back..." We said in unison.

"Exactly," She continued. "But give me a couple more weeks with mom and we can tell them then."

"Okay fine but we have to hurry. Dad isn't taking any lack with trying to get married. Something about famous love or something."

Neveah smacked her teeth. "He's such a butthole for this! It's not fair and he knows it. Do whatever you can to ruin their engagement and I'll do what I can to get rid of mom's weird boyfriend."

I chuckled to myself. "Is everything going okay on your end?"

"He messed up my hair a few minutes ago and he seems like a bully."

"Listen, Ne Ne. Please be careful. That dude is very weird and I don't want you hurt." I sighed.

Deon or whatever his name is doesn't like kids. He's always stared at me a lot and he'd make smart remarks. I warned my mom and Neveah about him. Mom claims she loves him but he sees right thru her.

"You too because Saliva is no joke."

"I'll talk to you tomorrow. I have to go." I told her when I saw someone at my door.

"Okay. Love you."

"I love you too."

We both hung up and I took a deep breath as the person left my bedroom door.

What are we going to do???

// College semester is winding down for summer so I can finally breathe and update.

// What do you think will happen?

// What do you want to happen?

// Updating in an hour or two 😘

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