14. I Didn't

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You may see a change in my writing style. It changes depending on my mood. I feel very good right now. So expect a great chapter. :)

Neveah Jones
Paris, France

Mom's meeting lasted every bit of two hours.  As I sat outside of the room, I felt so all alone. I never had to face a problem as big as this one. How on earth can I tell Nicki that Nilan and I switched places; that I wasn't her baby girl she had always knew; that I wasn't who she thought I was.

"Neveah?" Manny called out to me in the softest voice I ever heard. I looked up and met his chocolate colored eyes. "Her meeting is over now. We must tell her the truth."

I gave him one nod and stood up off the chair. He extended his arm so that I could hold his hand and I accepted it, feeling the warm squeeze he gave me to assure that things would go fine.

We took a couple steps over to the room my mom was sitting all alone on her phone. From the reflection in her new Gucci shades, I could tell she was on Twitter chatting about with her fans. She seemed at her happiest.

"Mommy?" I called out to her almost inaudible, yet she heard me and looked over.

She gave me a warm smile, so excited to see me. Manny pushed my arm towards her as if telling me to go over to where she was.

I did.

"Hi, Baby Girl. What you been up to?" She asked as she fingered through my curls.

"Umm. I went to the park." I shrugged. "Nothing much."

I looked down at my hands and fiddled my fingers as my mind raced a mile per second.

"What's wrong? Is everything okay?" Her Queens, New York accent broke the utter silence we had fallen in.

"M-Mom, I h-have to t-tell you s-s-something."

"What is it? You don't have to be afraid and I know you're scared because you never in your life stutter." She rubbed my arm.

"Actually, I have stuttered all my life when I'm nervous or scared." I said matter-of-factly.

"I've never heard you stutter a day in your life."

"Because you've only been in my life for just a couple of weeks now."

The room fell silent and my eyes fell to my hands again. I couldn't dare look up to her face, but I could feel her staring at me. Her left hand lifted up and she moved the hair out of my face before lifting my chin and forcing me to look at her. I was startled by the tears in her eyes.

"What do you mean I've only been in your life for a couple of weeks?" She asked with a hint in her voice that she somehow didn't believe the words that came out of both of our mouths. "I've been in your life every single day that you were born. I was there when you needed me the most. I was always there for you, Nilan, and I still am. So what do you mean I wasn't in your life? I've always been here, Nilan."

"No, Mommy." I sighed quietly and grabbed her hands that were shaking from disappointment. "You've been in Nilan's life every day of her life. But you've only been in mine for just a moment."

The room fell silent. I could hear my heart beating in my ears. I felt her heart drop to the pit of her stomach. I felt her. It was like she and I had become one.

"Y-You're Neveah...aren't you?" She choked out suddenly with tears flooding her now reddened face.

"Yes, Mommy. I am..."

Nilan Jones
Malibu, California

The house was quiet. It had been quiet for over four hours now. Daddy was in his study, and I was in my room coming up with a master plan to tell him that I'm Nilan and not Neveah. It was around midday and I figured it wasn't time to tell him yet, but I felt the urge to tell him anyway.

I leaned up in my bed and looked at the ceiling for just a second until I felt a pain in my chest that I couldn't describe. I instantly filled with fear and held my hands over my head in fatal position until the pain subsided.

What was that? Is Neveah okay?

Jumping up, I ran to dad's study and he quickly looked up at me in worry. I jumped on foot to foot in panic.

"Neveah, what you doing? What's wrong?"

"I have to tell you something." I bit down on my lip. "I just don't know how."

"What's the matter? Come sit down." He gestured for me to sit down on his lap.

I sat down quietly and he rubbed my arms giving me his undivided attention. The fear suddenly subsided and I felt a little courage.

"I just had a pain in my chest and it was real hard." I told him firstly.

"A pain in your chest? Well what were you doing?"

"I was laying down."

He gave me a nod and I looked down at my fingers, playing with them quietly. My mind begin to race.

"So do you know how this pain came up?" He continued. "How was it just so sudden?"

"I think I know." I nodded and laid down on him, biting my lip.

"Okay so be honest and tell your Pops what's going on? I won't know how to help if you don't tell me, Neveah."

I looked up at him. "I think it's because of Neveah," I mumbled out.

Dad looked down and gave me a confused look. "Neveah, I ain't got time for games. What's going on for real? You say you felt a pain and that you wasn't doing anything. Now you're saying the pain was because of Neveah?"

"It was because of Neveah!" I argued with him. "I felt her heart fall!"

"How did you feel her heart fall if you're standing right here? That doesn't make sense!"


The room got quiet as I stared at him in anger that he made it so difficult by not believing me.


Before he could get anything else out, I ran to my room and slammed my door.

I hope Neveah's plan went better than mine.


// Hiiiiiii! Did you miss me?

// Well the secret is out.

// This is finals week so I'm updating this before I study. I may have something else later on tonight. I got to get my work finished first.

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