13. Domino Effect

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Nilan Jones
Malibu, California
Nas's Studio

Today I decided to chill with Daddy. He has a busy schedule and I was tired of staying at home. Right now he's busy finishing up a little promo for his upcoming album that'll drop on Friday.

I spun around slowly in the chair as I scrolled on this little app called "Kid's Corner". Neveah told me to get one so that we can video chat and text privately and send each other pictures of what's going on. We also play games against each other sometimes.

 We also play games against each other sometimes

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Neveah in White

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Neveah in White. Nilan in Blue. Those pictures aren't the twins in this book though. Just our lives on the cover.

This is so sick. I excused myself and ran into the bathroom inside of Daddy's office as fast as I could. I clicked FaceTime and waited impatiently for her to answer.

"This is terrible. I can't believe it. It's like her and dad forgot each other." Neveah said as soon as she answered.

"Exactly. I'm so sad right now. We have to do something. This is so bad." I whined.

"We have to tell them. Mom is going out of town next week so in order to switch us back we have to do something this week. Like today. No playing around." She explained to me as I bit my nails.

"I can go in there and tell Daddy right now. He's super busy so hopefully this will work."

"You need to text me when you do. I'm gonna go find mom."

"Good luck, Neveah." I nodded my head.

"Good luck, Nilan."

The call ended and I opened the door to see Daddy's friend Drake staring at me. He looked like a deer caught in headlights as I ran past him to find daddy. He was walking up the hallway.

"Daddy!" I greeted him as he high fived me.

"What's up, Bean?"

"I got something to tell you. Ummm." I sighed and bit down on my lip.

"What is it? I'm a little busy right now."

"Oh okay well I'll tell you later then."

He went inside of his office and I face palmed. I just couldn't do it.

I texted Neveah and told her I chickened out. Maybe I can do it later.

Going back to the front, I slid in the seat next to this guy named Gree and let out an exhausting breath.

I have to figure out something.

For the whole day, I didn't utter a word. I was too scared to tell Daddy. I didn't want him to hate me. How was I supposed to tell him that I switched places with Neveah? He'd flip out.

My iPad buzzed twice letting me know that Neveah had messaged me. I slid and unlocked it to see her message since I was by myself.

Neveah: I couldn't do it. I'll try again tomorrow.

I sighed and told her I would try tomorrow too. What a buzzkill. If we don't do this tomorrow, there's no telling what will happen. Besides, it can only get worse from here right?

Neveah Jones
Paris, France

I looked around the park and rubbed my eyes. It was early morning here and it was late where Nilan is. We managed to always find time for each other even when we're on different days and time schedules.

I kicked my feet on the swing as Manny watched me from on the bench. I didn't feel like playing today. I just needed to get out of the house.

"You know what I just realized?" Manny said as he came over and sat on the other swing. "I just realized you look a bit gloomy today."

I gave him a simple shrug as I played with my hands and kicked the rocks a bit.

"Tell me what's wrong. I may be able to help you." He suggested.

"You'd be mad probably."

"I won't ever be mad at you for something that's on your heart, little one." He promised. "I pinky promise."

We locked pinkies as a solid foundation of trust and I looked up at him with tears kind of in my eyes.

"I'm not Nilan." I admitted. "I'm Nilan's twin, Neveah."

Manny's eyes grew a bit wide as his mouth made the "o" shape. I looked away from him.

"Wait what? How?" He continued.

"We met at camp and didn't know we were twin sisters until we put the picture of mommy and daddy together. That was my dad and it was her mom so we realized we were twins. I asked Nilan to switch places with me so that she can finally have a dad and I can have a mom. But now things are getting so bad."

Manny wiped at his eyes and gave me a confused look still.

"You have to tell your mom, Neveah. She has to switch you two back before anyone gets in trouble."

"Will she be mad?" I asked him as my voice kind of cracked. "I don't want her to hate me."

Manny smiled a little. "She's going to cry a little, but I don't think she would ever be mad at you two for this. It came from good hearts. And I will help you if you get too scared."

"Thank you, Manny. We better hurry and tell her because Nilan's having a heart attack. She's pretty scared too."

"We can tell your mom when she gets out of her meeting. I'll pull you two in a room and we all can chat. How does that sound?"

"Sounds good. Thank you."

Well....here goes nothing.

// It's not a bad story but it's not so good either.

// Way more stuff is coming.

// It's time for them to finally meet. Because the root of my story comes after they all meet.

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