15. Want To Hurt You

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Nilan Jones
Malibu, California

Starfish and Daddy are fighting in the kitchen, but I could hear it all the way upstairs. I sat in the corner of my bedroom with my hands over my ears to block out the sound, but I couldn't.

It all started after I ran out on Daddy.

He tried to come inside of my room, but I locked him out. He kept telling me that he was sorry and that he didn't mean to hurt my feelings. I cared, but I didn't have anything to say back. It hurt my feelings when he yelled at me, when anyone yells at me.

"You have to talk to him." Neveah told me as we FaceTimed.

"I will, but he's arguing. I don't want him to be that angry when I do talk to him." I shrugged.

She ate some more of her ice cream. "He will later on. I'm sure he feels really bad for hurting your feelings. He always feels bad for hurting mine." She assured.

"How's things over there? How's mom?" I asked her while I moved my curls from over my face.

"It's been quiet. She hasn't really said much of anything. She's downstairs with that ugly joker she calls a boyfriend."

I giggle. "I really don't like him either. I don't understand why she likes him."

Neveah shrugged with a little smirk. "Me either. You know I was thinking about something."

"Me too," I told her while standing to go sit on the bean bag chair.

"Well you go first." Neveah suggested.

"I was thinking that maybe we could get mom and dad together again." I smiled.

"Whaaaat? I was SO thinking that too! Like what if we beg not to be separated anymore. It's not like they can say no to us now that we know each other."

"Exactly. And who knows? Maybe we can be a big family again!"

A knock sounded on my door and i got quiet. Neveah stared at me through the phone and I looked at her. Someone knocked again.

"Call you later." I whispered and hung up the phone quickly.

Going to my door, I unlocked it and saw the grinch- I mean the starinch staring at me. She didn't move and neither did I.

"I got something to say to you." She pushed her way into my room.

I just looked at her without a word still standing by the door.

"I don't like what the fuck you and your nappy head ass sister did to your father. He's hurting because of you. So you need to pack your shit and get the hell out of our house! Go back to that pissy ass mammy of yours and don't come back. We don't need you here. Your daddy even said that you and your sister ain't shit and ain't gone never be shit!"

She slung my stuff around my room like a mad woman breaking everything that was valuable to me while I stood there with my feelings hurt. I held back my tears like my uncle taught me and just looked at all the broken things. She even slung my new phone and cracked it real bad.

"Get your shit and get out! Since you want to be grown and come to the wrong house, we gon' treat you like you're grown!"

I started to run out to find Daddy, but before I could go anywhere, Starfish slung me down to the ground by my hair. She started hitting me with her heavy hand, swinging me back and forth by a handful of my hair, and pushed me into the wall pressing her knee in the nape of my back.

"If you tell anybody what I did and said, I'll kill your little ass before you can even say you're sorry. Understand?" She threatened in my ear.

"Y-Yes." I cried silently with blood falling from my nose into my mouth.

"Good. Now get your shit and you got twenty minutes to leave."

Neveah Jones
Paris, France

I tapped my foot impatiently for Nilan to call me back. I wondered who was at the door and I was starting to get worried that things were going wrong over there.

"Hey, Veah. Why you still up?" Manny came in my room wondering.

"I'm waiting on Nilan to call me back. I just got this feeling that something is wrong." I explained.

"I'm sure she is just fine. She probably fell asleep." He assured.

I sighed to myself and plopped down on my bed. "I don't know, Manny. I feel really down for some reason."

He nodded and rubbed my hair. "I tell you what? Things will be so much better in the morning. Get some rest."

He tucked me in and kissed my forehead before turning off the light and leaving the bedroom. I closed my eyes for just a second, but I couldn't sleep at all.

I checked my phone again and saw no notifications. I went to the secret app we used to Facetime and Text but nothing was up there either.

"Come on, Nilan. What's going on?" I whispered to myself. "What's wrong?"

I bit my lip and got out of bed. I went down to my mother's room and knocked. No one answered. I knocked again and tapped my foot. I heard feet coming so I backed from the door. Dirty or whoever his name is answered with only a towel on.

"Where's my mom?" I asked him looking away because he gave me the creeps.

"She ain't in here. What you doing up?"

I ignored him and turned to go back to my room. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I snatched away.

"Don't be touching me like that! I don't know you!"

He chuckled one time before grabbing me by my neck and pulling me inside of my mom's room. He shut the door and I instantly started swinging because Daddy taught me early what to do when a man or a boy hits me.

D grabbed me by my hair and slung me down, getting on top of me. I kicked him in his neck and he fell back like he passed out.

"Uh oh. I ain't mean to kill him." I said out loud to myself.

I instantly felt bad until he started getting up. That's when I ran out to my room and locked myself up in there.

I rushed to my phone to call Nilan. No answer. So I called my Mom.

"Mom? Can you come home. Please?" I asked out of breath.

"I'm outside the house. What's wrong? You okay?"

D started banging on my room door. I slid down the wall and screamed when he had gotten in.

"Mommy HELP!"

// These folks tripping TRIPPING!

// Thoughts? Don't hate me.

// Poor Nilan & Neveah 😭

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