2. Talk of the Class

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May 17

Paris, France
Nilan Jones
Marymount International

I looked up at the clock on the counter that read 2:03 P

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I looked up at the clock on the counter that read 2:03 P.M. We only had a little time left before we were done with school until graduation Friday. I couldn't wait to go try on my dress with mom this afternoon.

"You've been staring off in space for a minute now. What's wrong?" Jordan asked me as she popped on her gum.

 What's wrong?" Jordan asked me as she popped on her gum

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JORDAN'S Character Inspiration ^ 💚

"I'm ready to go home. I need a nap." I yawned.

She laughed. "You went to sleep during lunch. Why are you so tired?"

"I just couldn't sleep last night. I was too excited for the Disney World camp."

After Mom put me to bed, I went to sleep for all of ten minutes until I couldn't anymore. I stayed awake on my iPad googling Disney World and how fun the camp looked. Mom, on the other hand, was snoring lightly in her room down the hallway. I'm sure she was tired out from a long day at the studio.

"Girl, you tripping. You need to get your beauty rest. That's what my Daddy tells me." Jordan flipped her long ponytail over her shoulder.

"Oh." I said and turned around in my chair to go back to sleep.

"No you need to wake up. We about to go in a minute. Talk to meeeeee." Jordan whined.

"Jay, I'm tired. I'll talk on Friday." I laughed and pushed her had off of my desk to prevent me from laying my head down.

"No. We only have one more day together and then we'll be so far apart."

She started tearing up and I instantly felt bad. I sat up in my chair and gave her a little disappointed look.

"I thought you was going to Disney World Camp?" I frowned. "You're my only friend. You have to come!"

Jordan and I have been friends since daycare and just recently her parents decided to move across the world to the United States. All my life it's just been me and Jordan as best friends. Dance, cheerleading, gymnastics, you name it. It was me and her. She's the sister I never had.

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