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Mark Lee hated it, he simply hate that fact that he couldnt take his eyes off the golden haired boy, especially the boys smile and voice. So he came to a conclusion that he fucking hated the boy. It was lunch as the mafia gang sat at the far corner plotting their next murder, when Donghyuck and Jaemin came running inside like crackheads with a fumming Jeno behind them.

"I swear that one day you guys are going to be bottoms." The silver haired boy fummed at the giggling idiots.

"Sorry but I'm straight. Right Hyuckie!!" Jaemin broke into laugher.

"Piggy wigs!! I'll have you guys in a soup for dinner." Jeno growled.

"I would definitely taste heavenly but, trust me you'd puke your heart out." Donghyuck chuckled at the boy who came after him. He dodged tangling his poor legs and went crashing into Marks lap.

"Oofies!! Haechannie is sorry!" Donghyuck smiled so sweetly Mark thought he was in heaven.

"HE'S DONE FOR!!!" Jaemin shreaked at the situation as the whole cafeteria went mute.

"Get. Off." Mark growled in his low lionly voice.

"Say it nicely." Donghyuck wriggled sitting very comfortably and crossed his arms not minding about the glare.

"I SAID GET OFF!!" Mark demanded his voice blaring making every lose their souls.

"I said say it nicely." Donghyuck smiled sweetly again. Marks arm though small, squeezed the beautys waist so hard it made the boy bit his plump red lower lip but he didnt not budge.

"DO YOU WANT TO END UP IN A COFFIN?!" Mark lost his cool, his dark eyes so dangerous.

"Say it nicely!! Bad lion!!" Donghyuck wrapped his arm around the mafia lords thick neck. The smell of warm sunshine lulled Mark. A feeling of home.

"G......Get of B-Baby B-Bear?' Mark was shivering with anger as he whispered the words out making the gorgeous boy squeal and sit up as he skipped away happily.

"Sir? Are you alright?" Yuta checked on the leader who gritted his teeth so hard his jaw hurt.

"Can you keep me on your lap too oppa?" Koeun a girl in their class daintly sat her flithy ass on Marks lap, making the boy loose his shit as he flipped the table and kicked the girl on the floor.

"DONT YOU FUCKING DARE! IF YOU DO I'D SEND YOU HOME IN A FUCKING COFFIN YOU BITCH." Mark yeld walking away as his gang followed.

Thats when Jaemin and Donghyuck crashed into the boy once again, Donghyuck blushed a deep red when he felt Marks arms on his waist so he scrambled back. Jaemin was literally having stars in his eyes as Lucas held the beauty.

"Jaemin snap out silly billy." Donghyuck dragged the boy away. Mark just stared at the fading figures as Donghyuck turned around smiling and left.

"Sir? We have work." Jaehyun patted Mark as they left for the deed.

"Donghyuck stop staring at the window." Doyoung sighed throwing a marker at his son.

"Ouch Mom. I'm telling Dad of this meaningless haressment of injustice to your beloved gorgeous sun with a U." Donghyuck gave the marker back and slouthed in his chair making his mother scoff and start writing.

"Stop staring at me bitch." Mark grumbled.

"What if I was your boyfriend and you killed me oneday accidently? Will you cry or just walk over my body?" Donghyuck looked the mafia leader.

"You arent. So fuck it and stay away from me." Mark snarled at Donghyuck making him pout and tear up.

"Cry baby. Stop it now." Mark unconciously patted the laters thicc thighs. But the younger just ran off from class making Doyoung worried.

"His ship was sunk. Jaemin the bitch must have ditched the baby." A girl called Min Na grumbled at Jaemin.

"Just since he's your twin doesnt mean you have to take his side. Besides why would I break my best friend pretty heart. He's been gloomy ever since the black cat aka Scar arrived a week ago." Jaemin rolled his eyes at the pouting girl.Mark rushed out the class but was stopped by Jeno.

"Dont you dare try to hurt him." Jeno warned but Mark was out for anothef cause.

"Look loser, I dont fucking care what happens to that little brat. I have other things to do. Take your filthy arms off me." Mark growled running off to meet his gang members as the boys climbef into the big black jeep like vehicle and drove off the school premises.

Donghyuck was upset, not since Mark gave him that answer, he was upset since he missed his father and his puppy had gone missing the day before and he felt guilty for not feeding it on time, asuming it was dead somewhere.
As night crept in, the golden beauty sat on the balcony of their dormatary, watching the stars that made him a little happier. It was then he saw Mark, again, dripping with blood of another name, this time he was carried by the boys he had around him. He was wounded. They took him into his dormatary and left, equally wounded. Donghyucks heart went off like an express train as he padded towards the door that reeked of blood and danger. Pushing it slightly he stepped in seeing a hardly breathing Mark lee with a wounded waist, tying a shirt around his bare wounded waist.

"GET OUT." Mark roared at the beauty who closed the door behind him, padding towards the older, as he ran his stubby shivering fingers over the bleeding wound.

"T-That should be treated." Donghyuck whispered looking up at the eyes of his predator.

"I said get out or die." Mark snapped the smaller pushed him on bed as he ran to his room and came back as he locked the door and treated Marks wound.

"Cant you be a bit careful?" Donghyuck sighed stitched the cut, dabbed the blood away and cleaned the place spotless. "Your room smells of fear, dread and a loudly beating heart. Woah!" Donghyuck squeaked when the shot gun was placed on his forehead.

"I'll not think twice before killing you." The mafia leader pressed his forehead.

"Say thank you." Donghyuck warned.

"Get lost!" Mark pushed the beauty away.

"Say thank you." The golden beauty ordered with a look of dominance and if you looked closely Marks ears fell and he whispered a soft thank you.

"Thats my baby lion. Goodnight Boo." Donghyuck giggled walkkng away.

"Why are you always awake so late?" Mark asked.

"I have difficulty sleeping. Gotta go Scar." And so the melodios voice skipped away giggling.

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