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"Channiee!! Stop bouncing. You are heavy." Mark sighed as his pregnant boyfriend jumped in joy as Kun was being dressed up.

"Did you just call your baby bear fat!?" Donghyuck screamed at the lion.

"No. But your pregnant and I dont want our piggywigs to jumble. Haha." Mark chuckled at his pouting boyfriend.

"Sorry Daddy Lion." The six month pregnant golden beauty snuggled into the mafias embrace.

"Its okay baby." Mark kissed Donghyuck soft lips.

"What? Will you guys not fuck in front of Mom and Tae mama?" Jaemin and Renjun rolled their eyes.

"Sush not in front of the babies." Donghyuck glared cutely at his half brother.

And so Donghyuck, Jaemin, Renjun and Chenle walked infront of Kun as the Chinese walked down the isle with Taeyong and Ten. Taeil stood in all his handsome glory to be married to his long lost and refound love Kun. Once they handed the man to his man, the bottoms took their seats. Donghyuck sitting carefully on Marks comfortable lap. They watched them exchange vows the rings then rings as the onlookers squealed and Lucas was a crying mess.

"When will that be us?" Donghyuck pouted at the leader who chuckled kissing the boy on the forehead.

"Soon baby. Very soon. Maybe before our boys are born?" Mark kissed his golden fullsuns shoulder.

"Huckie theres a red spot on your baby bump." Taeyong frown as they stood to leave for the cake.

"Where?" Donghyuck looked around confused but Mark knew exactly what it was.

"Channie you're being aimed." Mark carefully took Donghyuck to the other side.

"Do you think its Mom? Im scard Minhyung." The pregnant male hugged his baby bump. When a bullet hit him on his shoulder.

"Haechan!!!" Mark screamed as blood spurted on his face. Donghyuck held his sleeve tightly with tears in his big golden orbs.

"Mama! Take Channie away! Winwin gather the boys. Chenle take Kun, Jaemin and Taeil home." Mark gave orders quickly as he earned nods in return but a trembling arm held his wrist tightly.

"D-Dont l-leave me." Donghyuck begged the mafia leader in pain.

"Baby I need to go find the man behind this." Mark whispered cradling the damp cheeks.

"Please Minhyung. Im fine. Just stay with me." Donghyucks heart shivered at the thought of loosing the man he loved.

"Baby. If I.....If I dont return just know that I love you so much okay? And Daddy loves you guys too." Mark smashed his lips on Donghyucks kissing the cry baby sweetly as he left to find the culprit.

Days passed but no sign of the boys who left was seen. Donghyuck was pregnant and in pain. He couldnt take it. His gut feeling making him feel afraid.
Thats when an explosion took place at the barn that was believed to be the place where mafia leaders took refuge at times of need. With Kun, Taeyong and Taeil, Jungwoo abd Jaemin lead Donghyuck along with Jisung and Chenle to the place of the explosion. The police and firebrigade were rushing with alot of people standing on watch as two bodies were laid on stretchers.

"L-Lucas? Renjun?" Jaemin and Jungwoo rushed to the slightly burnt boys who were taken in ambulances.

"Wheres Jaehyun, Yuta and Winwin?" Kun went inside searching. Jaemin and Jungwoo left in the ambulances. Taeyong held a pale Donghyuck squeezing his baby bump.

"Where is Mark?" Donghyuck whispered as Jisung and Chenle jumped through a window to search for the later.

After hours went by Jaehyun was found quite injured and Winwin had a broken arm. But no sign of Yuta or Mark. Many other strangers were taken out. Some dead some barely alive. Donghyuck was loosing his mind right now.

"D-Daddy.....My stomach hurts!!" Donghyuck bit his lips as he lent on Taeil.

"Sweetheart dont stress yourself baby." Taeil sighed as ge hugged his son tight and went into the mob to help. Taeyong then kept Donghyuck company patting his phat baby bump.

"Mama w-what if......my baby lion is dead?" Donghyuck whispered at Taeyong.

"Mark always came back for you Hyuckie. Dont loose hope." Taeyong kissed Donghyuck.

"Can somebody claim these possessions?" A cop called out as the pregnant male, Taeyong and others checked on the rings and clothes.

"M-Mark?" Donghyucks arms reached out to a black leather jacket that smelled of Mark and blood. And Doyoungs wedding ring.

"Hyuck relax. Our Minhyung can not be dead baby." Taeyong whispered at the crying brunette who hugged the jacket.

"H-How can he leave us? I dont care if mom died. But I want Minhyung back." Donghyucks eyes became blank as the beautiful boy blacked out on Taeyong. Their friends came running as Taeil carried his son to the hospital not minding about Doyoungs wedding ring.

Doyoungs body had been found with a bullet through his head and was buried with respected since he was after all the mother of the twins. Donghyuck was an emotional wreck. As months stretched on, seven months pregnant and Mark or Yuta werent found or even reported dead. Winwin went into a mini crazy fit but Donghyuck stayed staring at Marks picture. His arm had healed, Chenle or Jaemin often spent their time with him. Donghyuck was slowly entering his nine months of pregnancy and the poor boy had dangerously come to believe his bestfriend and lover was dead. Marks phone was out of order and the house was a mess. Jaehyun and Taeyong always fought, Taeil was rarely home, Winwin was going crazy. Renjun and Lucas were still recovering. Jungwoo was dead tired but he was still smiling.

"Ah......" Donghyucks arm when down to his baby bump.

"Are you in pain?" Jaemin was quick to ask.

"I-I wont g-give birth if Mark isnt here." Donghyuck laid down on his bed crying. "T-They'd be born in a few weeks......And Daddy isnt alive anymore. I love him so much and.....uhhh and want to believe hes a live....Goshhh my stomach!!." The gorgeous boy slowly blacked out on somebodys shoulders. And was carried with strong colloused arms to the hospital.

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