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Donghyuck woke up next to a shirtless Mark lee, not that they did the deed nor was Donghyuck showered with hickeys. It was just soft kisses trailing down his neck. It felt awfully statisfying but he had to leave for class. So kissing the mans features he grabbed a shirt he thought was his and left the room. Having been late for class, Donghyuck pulled the shirt over and ran off with his books.

"Exposed skin! Jeno help me hide my eyes." Jaemin dramatically sang when he saw the usually neat boy coming in with dishaveled hair and a shirt too big for his small body.

"Marks shirt?" Lucas squinted his eyes at the boy who immediately blushed hard looking down.

"N-No." Donghyuck fiddled with his fingers.

"I'm shocked that he let somebody wear his shirt. He never shares." Jaehyun chuckled seeing Mark walking in with a frown early in the morning. Like always.

"You look great." Mark wrapped an arm around Donghyucks waist and nudged his face into the beauty like what lions did with their lioness and Winwin choked on his milkshake.

"I ship these twoooo!!" Jaemin squealed like a fangirl making Jeno facepalm.

"Sir. We need to leave for the territory in three hours." Yuta checked his watch and sighed.

"Sure thing. Take positions at night. We'll stay over okay." Mark ordered and Donghyuck visibily stuck his bottom lip out, the older didnt notice as he took Jaehyun away to talk things over.

"You made my friend, who never smiled, dated, or check out anybody, flip flop and made him so soft and squishy. Thank you Duckie." Winwin hugged the beautiful boy tightly making Donghyuck giggled.

"Mine....He's mine Winwin." Mark pulled Donghyuck back.

"Woah I've never seen him this serious." Yuta and Lucas laughed.

And with that Mark and the boys left, Donghyuck pouted sighing very deeply. Jeno hugged him along with Jaemin. They knew it was risky if Doyoung ever found out Mark and Donghyuck shared something. They would be seperated for good.

"I'm sorry I cant stay away from him. I tried but it only hurt." Donghyuck apologised but Jaemin smiled.

"I see what you mean. Sweety as long as you are happy we will stand with you. Even if it takes my freedom and I have to leave with you." Jaemin kissed Donghyucks forehead and they knew no one could seperate them.

One mistake was Donghyuck sneaked out the University at that night, freshly showered and in shorts and a loose shirt since the summer was taking a toll on him. He ran with all his might to their tree house that was hidden behind the stone cave that had a ivy curtain.

"Idiot give me your hand."

"Channie!! You are fat."

"I hate you!"

"Phat. P. H. A. T. My squishy baby bestfriend."


The children ran through Donghyuck, the time when the 10 year old boys had built the tree house bit by bit. Oh how he missed him. The steps were broken now and Donghyuck was afraid to climb but he still tried like he always did. Sadly failed with brusies.

"I miss you." Donghyuck whispered staring at the star filled skies.

"Channie you are most beautiful of stars. You are my sun Haechan."

"Stop trying to flatter me."

"Why we grow up, and have children of our own lets promise each other that we'd bring our wife and children here."

"Sure thing."

Donghyuck stood up, walking out the place into the empty hollow streets. It his death day in a week, It still affected Donghyuck so much, but he smiled. Someone you love will always be your heart.

"L-Let m-me go!!" Taeyongs voice echoed in the alleys. Making the gorgeous boy run towards the direction.

"Let him go!!!" Donghyuck screamed making the men leave the older boy and turn to the golden skinned boy.

"Told you he'd come if you hurt that fucking boys mother." A man chuckled as they started running after Donghyuck as he sprinted somewhere he didnt even know existed in Seoul.

The men followed and he ran so fast that ge tangled in a net and went rolling down a cliff like thing. The men passed the cliff thinking the boy had run straight. Donghyuck was injured but he strugged out the net and limped his way to the first huge mansion he saw.

"Who are you?" A guard growled at the boy.

"P-Please l-let...." Donghyuck could finished when someone pulled his arm harshly. "M-Mark!!" Donghyuck cried throwing himself on the leader earning gasps from the men that stood inside the gates. Mark was drenched in blood but he carried the boy bridal style into the mansion.

"Whats wrong! What happened to you!?" Mark shook the crying boy as Donghyuck only cried louder.

"S-Safe T-Tae Mama. Please." Donghyuck clung on the leaders chest. "T-They will hurt him." The beauty cried louder not minding if he was hurt.

"You heard him!! Bring that man in the alley! Now!" Mark ordered and Lucas nodded as Jaehyun, Yuta and Winwin went out with other boys.

"Relax now please." Mark begged the beauty who just sniffled so much." How did you end up here?" The leader made him drink water and carefully held Donghyuck.

"They ran after me I tripped and fell here close by." Donghyuck wiped his tears looking up at Mark like a lost bear.

"Renjun help him shower. I'll meet you at dinner okay?" Mark caressed Donghyucks cheeks.

"You lovely with his dresses on." Renjun giggled helping Donghyuck down to a massive dinning table with Mark sitting like a god in a black leather jacket as the head of the table.

"Ahh I see you fresh and treated. Sit down." Mark ordered, Renjun sat down among many other men? But Donghyuck waddled to Marks lap, plopping down and leaning on his chest.

"That guy sure got the guts." Yeri, Marks best female fighter gased.

"Whats wrong Pumpkin?"  Mark sighed at the bruises.

"He's all I have left of my best friends memories. Please Scar." Donghyuck sniffled.

"You trust Lucas and my friends right? They'd find him. Relax now and eat." Mark fed the boy who cutely opened his mouth to be friend.

"THATS CUTE!!!" Chenle screamed so loud Renjuns glass chipped.

"Now I have a ship to sail." Ten a thai man with glass sipped his tea.

"I fat." Donghyuck tried to get off.

"You are light as a feather. Hush now. Jaemin wont like it if he saw his bestfriend all skinny right?" Mark clicked his tongue as he continued to feed the boy.

"Jaemin? Sounds like my mothers name to me. Cant be obviously, Chenle just broke my brain cells." Jisung rolled his eyes.

"Now I know why Mr Mafia as been so soft lately." Yeri was kicked under the table.

"Hyuckie!!!" A voice called and Donghyuck sprinted away to the sound running towards the crying doll he loved so much.

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