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Taeyong hid from everybody, and so they let him be that way, Donghyuck and Taeyong were taken home the next day by the Mafia leader. Silent though the ride was it was comfortable and Donghyuck knew he wanted and belonged only with Mark Lee.

"Stop here." Donghyuck whispered infront his highschool.
"You arent in Highschool Donghyuck." Mark chuckled.

"Today is his death day. Please?" The younger pleaded.

The summer flowers decorated the pathways, behind the abundan old school building they walked through the empty hallways. Donghyuck opened his old room as he changed into a green shirt and black ripped geans, grabbing the little crazy man with him he walked farther away from the school boundaries to a place that a curtain of ivy hid.

"Channie!!! You beautiful being."

"I'm not flattered."

"I said I was sorry."

"Not accepted."

"I'm your best friend."

"Stop pouting."

"Channie my sunshine please."

"When we grow up? Will you marry Min Na noona?"

"Pff no silly. I'll marry the sun."

"The sun would burn your skin."

"Enough of that. Come lets play."

"You know I know that you are fooling me right?"

"My brainy Haechannie."

"Flowers? Uhh flowers? I forgot flowers or the watermelon I always bring. But I bought your Mama to see you." Donghyuck spoke to the grave that had so many roses covered like a fairytale.

"My baby boy." Taeyong sniffled crouching down crying. Donghyuck fell on his knees, letting his stubby fingers feel the words engraved. The tears never failing to pour like rain.

In Loving Memories,
Of my watermelon boy,
My best friend,
Lee Min Hyung.
02. 08. 1999
The spark
My existance.

It read those words, that made Donghyuck cry so much he felt his heart bleeding. If only he had come on time.

"I-If you were alive. You would be 22. Oh I miss you so much Minhyung!!" Donghyuck closed his face with his palms as he let Taeyong hug him.

Days passed, summer turned to spring and autumn turn to winter, Doyoung had returned, making sure Donghyuck was far away from Mark and his people. Taeyong lived at Marks mansion with the rest, strangely no men ever came after Donghyuck for months.

"Hyuck?" Jeno shook Donghyuck who stared at the hot, vampire like gorgeous mafia leader with a leather jacket, black turtle neck t shirt and black ripped jeans with high canvas walk stealthily down the hallway with a cigaratte between his thin lips.

"Uhh huhh yeah?" Jaemin wants to go to the beach even though Its freezing. Wanna join?" Jeno poked the beautys cheek.

"Mom would kill me you know. Have fun and can you man up and confess already?" Donghyuck giggled at the blushing boy before him.

"Idiot." Jeno chuckled jogging away, Donghyuck sighed turning around walking back inside his dormtaries. He could never leave from his mother hawk eyes.

"I saw you staring." The deep voice that drew circles in Donghyucks heart resonated inside his room.

"Did not." The golden eyed boy defended himself.

"Did too." Mark locked the door.

"Did not. Mark my mother checks on me at night. I cant keep the door locked." Donghyuck whinned at the older towering over him.

"Sush. We still have time." Mark smiled playing with those soft golden locks. "Hey goldie locks." The older gestured him to come closer with his expensive gun as he sat on Donghyucks bed.

"Scar your mad at something and probably drunk to the core of your bones." Donghyuck scrunched his nose rather adorably.

"I said come." Mark growled so low the younget gulped nervously as he took baby steps towards the older.

"Mark!!! Get out!!" Donghyuck shouted with all the courage he had but Mark only smirked pulling Donghyuck closer, lifting the hoodie and revealing a slim feminie waist Marks palms caressed those awfully soft golden flanks.

"Soft!!" Mark whispered buring his face into Donghyucks stomach making the later giggle and blush.

"Ahh.....bad lion. Dont bite." Donghyuck stuck his lower lip out in a pout. He was suddenly pulled onto bed and hovered.

"I'm not going to stop myself today." Mark mumbled smashing their lips together, the foul smell of cigarettes and beer filled Donghyucks nostrils but he cared less. When he moaned softly at the sucking feeling he had on his neck, Marks brain went nuts. That voice of a thousand harps.

"M-Mar-ahhrk." Donghyuck was panting his hands finding refuge on the soft pink pillows.

"DONGHYUCK!!! OPEN THE DOOR!!" Doyoungs voice blared, Mark didnt stop instead he took his own sweet time decorating and marking his territorial claim on Moon Donghyuck.

"C-Coming M-Mom!!" Donghyuck screamed his voice breaking, je was sobbing as Mark sucked and bit his left nipple while his right hand played with the other.

"DAMN IT CHILD!!" Doyoung was loosing it.

"Mar.....ahh....Mark...Let me g-go." Donghyuck pleaded from a sober leader who sat up and growled.

"I hate your mother." Mark grumbled getting off the beauty as he hid behind the closet.

"Yes mother?" Donghyuck was quick to pull his hoodie down and the hood up incase Doyoung saw the hickeys strewn on his neck.

"You look messy." Doyoung lifted a brow. "Father is here. I need both of you for dinner at my quarters. Clear?" He demanded.

"As crystal mom." Donghyuck smiled sweety as he closed the door and locked. Mark came out with a cigarette.

"Mark!" Donghyuck crashed into the olders chest. Softly crying making Mark frown and crush his cigarette.

"Cry baby. Whats wrong?" Mark sighed hugging him back. For the first time in his life Mark felt like he had finally come home.

"He never comes home Mark. Never. The last day I had seen him was when my best friend died. Ever since then I grew up without him. What if he hates me? What if he...." Donghyuck was cut short with a gentle soft kiss that gave so much to feel.

"I bet he's an amazing person Sunshine." Mark bobbed their noses together.

"S-Sunshine?" Donghyuck was flooded with memories of the past.

"Of course my silly fullsun. I gotta go. Duty calls. I'll call you tonight okay? I lo.....Sorry...I meant I'm leaving." Mark gave Donghyuck another kiss and jogged out.

"M-Mark? Can I have a hoodie?" Donghyuck shyly asked and was rewarded with one in a few minutes.

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