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Two Weeks later.....

Donghyuck would just sit staring at nothing, He spoke less as he hid from even from Mark. He was still traumatized by that whole incident, his mother, his Minhyung, Jeno, his own Twin sister had been such a sickening feeling of fear and dread. He ranaway one day and was found passed out next to Minhyung destroyed grave. He was completely broken.

"Hey Baby." Marks voice was so soft it made Donghyuck sigh deeply as strong warm arms wrapped around his waist from behind. The golden haired boy struggled and got off shivering in fear.

"Whats fucking wrong with you!? Why are you acting like I'm a rapist or something?! Cant you fucking see that I love you and goddamnit you are pregnant. I went crazy finding you and this is all I get? You've been looking at me like some murderer wait I am a murderer right. Fine thank you for making it clear. I knew this was too good to be true for someone like you to love me. I should have died 12 years back really. This is it Hyuck. We are over!! Goodbye!" Mark lost it, he had tried so hard to change, to make Donghyuck over come his trauma but all he got was disgusting looks. Donghyuck never thought Mark would leave he himself didnt know why he was being a bitch right now.

"M-Mark w-wait!!" Donghyuck held his boyfriends arm but was slapped away, Mark lit a cigarette, took out his gun as he pushed it on his back pocket and left the house.

"Why did you leave him?" Lucas sighed as Mark drove back after five freaking days. He had switched off his phone, and refused to answer any phone that came for him through Lucas phone.

"He acts like I did something to him. I know he's traumatized but pushing me away isnt the solution. So I broke up." Mark took the road home.

"What?!" Lucas freaked out. "No wonder Kun kept calling that Donghyuck was crying so much." The Chinese exclaimed.

"I dont care. I wont anymore. I'm moving out from the house." The Mafia leader growled pulling into the drive wayand going inside his house.

"Gosh Mark what have you fucking done!" Taeil stood glaring at him the first thing.

"Broke up with your stubborn son." Mark rolled his eyes as he went upstairs.

"You saved me from Johnny but I'll kill you if you hurt my son." Taeil was handed a frying pan by sane Taeyong and Chenle.

"Thanks guys." Taeil grinned flipping it in his arms.

Mark entered his room to see Donghyuck cuddling with Jaemin and Renjun who sent him death glared. He just lit another cigarette.

"Bitch how dare you break up with my baby brother!!" Jaemin became a wild cat if not for Renjun Mark would have died.

"Markie you better make it up to our little bundle okay? Renjun sighed at the older who simply removed his shirt and removed his watch.

"Get out!" Mark snapped at the two boys as they obeyed and left. He locked the door, and plopped in bed as he switched on the TV and ignored his baby boy who was sniffling in a big hoodie and boxers.

"S-Speak to me." Donghyuck whispered.

Mark ignored the younger who crawled next to him and pouted sniffling.

"T-Talk to your Channie!!" Donghyuck sat on Mark waist with sweater paws.

"Minhyung died 12 years back. Cut it out." Mark snapped at the younger who slapped him having enough hus bullshit.

"How dare you?!" Mark flipped their positions and pinned the gorgeous boy on the bed.

"I'm pregnent!!! Kids look Daddy doesnt love Mommy! He loves someones else......." With that Mark smashed his lips on the youngers making Donghyuck smile and happily kiss back.

"I'm sorry. I didnt know what was wrong with me. I was being a bit......" He was kissed again and again until he was breathless and swollen.

"I'm sorry too for being such an overdramatic idiot and broke up with you and shit. Can we get back together?" Mark sat back pushing the hoodie up to feel his childrens baby bump.

"Make love to me. Then I'm all yours again.......Minhyungie." Donghyuck blushed at his handsome thug of a mafia leader.

"Channie after all that happened..." Mark played with his lovers stubby fingers.

"Kiss and make up big lion. I want to forget Mom. I love him but I guess I love Mama Kun more. And make it up to your pregnant wife to be." The gorgeous boy sighed making grabby hands, "Besides I deserve to live my life with happiness for once right Baby sexy Lion." Donghyuck made Mark smirk as they bought their lips together in passionate love.

"Taeil!! Give my children privacy!!" Kun whisper shouted at Taeil who had his ear glued to the door along with Jaehyun, Taeyong, Chenle, Winwin, Yuta and Renjun.

"Yes Daddy come here." Jaemin smiled brightly at the red haired man who got all emotional about that fact. Jisung had to drag him away as soft moan started to resonate from Marks room. All of them ran off.

Marks lips left Donghyucks lips with a bounce trailing down making the younger moan in pleasure and pleasing pain. The dark hickeys that were rewarded made the gorgeous beauty luid as the strong arms held him in graceful captivation. Their naked bodies molding against one another as they threw away the painful past and let their love glid through their veins.

"C-Careful the b-babies." Donghyucks breathing was heavily drawn in an out.

"I'm their Daddy. Baby does it hurt?" Mark questioned his bundle of sunshine as he fingered the boy and pushed himself inside.

"YES!!!! B-But urghhhh Faster!!" Donghyuck screamed so loud that poor Chenle had been skipping outside their room when he heard the unholy sound and blacked out.

They made love, again and again, slow, intense and fucking deep that made Donghyuck loose his sanity. Rough ir slow Mark knew how to love his fullsun quite too well as they fell in love more.

"I love you my babies so much." Mark hugged his naked love story.

"We love Daddy Lion more!!" Donghyuck cutely giggled making Mark cry in joy.

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