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"You cant go out in this condition!" Mark fumed at Donghyuck.

"Mark I'm a doctor. They need me. I'll be back before night falls." Donghyuck smiled putting on the dress shirt and slacks.

"You are just going to let Wendy on you!? Why wont you listen to me!? You have two gun shots!" Mark sighed but was given Kiara to carry.

"Stay with Daddy until Mommy is back okay?" Donghyuck kissed Kiaras forehead and Marks neck as he went down stairs to kiss Leon bye.

"Honey you are injured." Mrs Lee caressed Donghyucks arm.

"Granny, I'm Marks baby and Daddys world. I'll be fine. And.......My dear darling husband would always follow my car in a five metre distance. So cool." Donghyuck giggles hugging Mrs Lee and Taeyong as he left.

Just like said, Mark sure did follow him. He always did thankfully. Donghyuck grunted in pain but he had to report to duty, the driving was killing him but Mark had his back and he believed in his hero. Parking the car the in the parking lot Donghyuck walked into the buzy hospital.

"Woah look at you all rosey but pale? Pregnant again?" Yeri giggled when Donghyuck signed his name on the resgistra.

"Mark is fucking horny but he uses condoms. Haha." The golden haired beauty giggled.

"I thought you were on a Vacay? Are you alone?" Yeri looked around knowing Wendy was a bitch towards Donghyuck.

"Noona I'm never alone. Look to your right. Not straight away, can you see him on his oh so beloved black jeep? Haha." Donghyuck whispered and Yeri sure did spot Mark sitting on the top front of his black vehicle.

"Possessive much eh?" She giggled.

"He just loves me too much. And I'm so excited that my bad boy ganster is back!!!" Donghyuck blushed walking away from the girl who shot him teasing looks.

"Can you breath slowly but deeply?" Donghyuck asked the injured man on the bed.

"Anything you say sexy boy." The man grinned licking his lips.

"Why werent you found dead?" Donghyuck rolled his eyes checking the man gingerly and leaving.

"No wonder Madam Wendy loves your ass." The man sat up as his men crossed Donghyucks paths.

"Hmm. Well sluts love married men I guess." Donghyuck buried his arms in his slacks pocket.

"We are going to destory you." The man hissed.

"Uhh sadly I've already been destoryed real bad by my right full owner." Donghyuck pushed his gold rimmed glasses back on its bridge.

"Oh shut up!! Boys catch him! I freaking need him untouched." Wendy rolled her eyes.

"Take one step closer and I wont hesitate to shatter your brain." Donghyuck smirked at the men.

"Confidence eh bitch?" A man chuckled reaching for Donghyucks arm.

"Touch me and I'll send a bullet down your brain." Donghyuck daintly crossed his legs sitting on a bed.

"How did you get so bitchy!?" Wendy frowned. Donghyuck chuckled leaning in his palms.

"Mark will rip your throat a Wendy." Donghyuck rolled his eyes.

"Look I'm shivering." The girl barfed at Donghyuck. But sadly the boy stood up pushing her away as he walked down the hallways in grace.

"What are you looking for go catch him!!" Wendy stomped her feet. Just as the man was to grab Donghyuck the gorgeous golden beauty placed Marks gun on the mans forehead.

"Dont you fucking dare lay a finger on me you filthy animal!!" Donghyuck gritted his teeth at the man.

"Awwwe look at you trying to act all tough when you are just a poor lost fawn." The man chuckled but Donghyuck did something he shouldnt. He pulled the trigger and the man went from living to dead.

"OMG!! YOU KILLED HIM." Wendy screamed but before she could go any further the police sirens sounded making them all flee in fear.

Donghyuck stared in fear at the man before him. He had killed him, out of frustration, now he himself was a murderer. He took a step back, cold dweat dribbling down his neck where was Mark now? The sharp object pierced his stomach, he didnt know what was happening, the man looked like those men who were after Mark.

"Haechan!!" Marks voice screamed in the empty hallway of the VIP unit.

"W-Where were you? W-When I n-needed you?" Donghyuck backed off from Mark.

"Baby I was here but I your father called and........when I returned you had." Mark paused looking at the dead body.

"Murdered somebody!! I'm a murderer I my......" Donghyuck clutched his stomach tightly the gunshots and stabbing hurting like a bitch.

"Baby run! I'll take care of this, Go!" Mark pushed Donghyuck away.

"It's all my fault. It's...I'm a murderer. What have I done Mark? I......" Donghyuck gasped in pain his whole body giving up.
"You defended yourself. Love please leave this place." Mark kept pushing Donghyuck away but the boy only blacked out in his husbands arms.

Donghyuck was rushed to the hospital, the deed un noticed as it when like a fight between the Moons and the other recurring party. Donghyucks name and career were clean as crystal. But things got worse with Donghyuck, Ten freaked out when he saw the beautiful boy been bought to the operation theatre. Though the Thai man worked his time om the beautiful boy something was off. Donghyuck had lost something important in his body.

"Ten whats wrong?" Mark panicked.

"He's tired. Like really very tired but Hyuckie is perfectly alright." Ten ran am arm through the golden shining locks of Donghyuck who slowly blinked as if he were in a painful daze.

"You seem like you are hiding something Ten." Mark urged the older  to tell whatever he was hiding.

"Mark I'm really sorry. They stabbed the wrong place." Ten sniffled, "Donghyuck was pregnant and.......and the stab....I'm so sorry Mark but your baby had been two months,I'm afraid to say Hyuck might never conceive again if he tries to get up from this bed. Thats the best I could do to safe him. Carry him home and I'll do the nursing for him. He's in a mini coma Mark." Ten finished as Marks world crashed down.

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