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Jaemin sat void of any emotions, He showed no sign of curing at all. Taeyong tried cheering him but no, nothing worked at all. The funeral was quiet, gloomy and Donghyuck was slightly loosing his mentle state due to the stress he felt. Renjun took care of Jaemin most of the time, with Taeyong though not often on his right mind still held on for Donghyuck.

"Donghyuck eat something." Mark tried his best not to loose his temper with the gorgeous boy. Donghyuck just curled his body staring into space.

"Urghh!!" Mark threw the bowl of soup on the wall, it had been two whole months since Jeno had passed. Jaemin at least smiled at people and went to classes after a month. But Donghyuck was hopeless. Tears welled up in Marks eyes as he shook the boys body.

"Please just a little bit. Ice cream? Hmm?" Mark asked the smaller who slightly nodded.

"Stay here. Remember not to open the door for your mother okay?" Mark ordered leaving Donghyuck dorms.

"You disgusting wretch!! Gave your self to a murderer?! He killed Johnny! Killed so many!" Doyoung entered dragging the pale weak boy from bed, the broken ceremic scraping his thighs.

"M-Mark! Ahhhh Mark!!" Donghyuck weakly cried out as his mother took him away. Yet he couldnt take Donghyuck any future when a arm held Doyongs arm that was about to slap the crying beauty.

"Obssession would only drag you to hell! I wont hestitate to send a bullet through your head next time you hurt my boyfriend!!" Mark growled at Doyoung pushing the bunny like man away.

"How dare you fucking Lee!!" Doyoung snapped at Mark who carried Donghyuck in his arms as hr called Winwin to take Min Na and Jaemin to his quarters.

"Good heavens!! Donghyuck looks so pale Mark." Ten screamed when the younger was bought home.

"Please be alright. I never meant to say those hurtful words. I love you Hyuckie." Jaemin was crying as his best friend was placed in bed, his face dry, lips parched, Donghyuck immediately stumbled into the bathroom, throwing up everything left in his body.

"M-Minhyungie." Donghyuck kept muttering his body burning wirh fever.

"Mark! Kuns men are here." Lucas gave orders, taking Min Na to a safe spot, Renjun pushed Jaemin into a closet.

When Mark wrapped an arm around Donghyucks waist to lift him up, his eyes widen when his palm came in contact with a slight bump. He looked at the beautiful oblivious boy in his arms.

"M-Minhyungie d-dont l-leave me." Donghyuck whispered as Mark felt a hard painful blow in his head. He pushed Donghyuck into the closet with Jaemin as he held his head tightly. No one had hit him but a voice screamed in his head quite very loudly.


With that Mark took out his gun and a handful of knives in his other arm. His head began throbbing but he cared less. They opened fire as the NCT gang showed them who owned Seoul. The bruises and cuts did not hurt since they out smarted Kun and his men. Why was that Chinese man come after Mark Lee anyways? And who was Minhyung? Why did that name hurt so fucking much?

"Mark your ear is bleeding." Renjun gasped when they came home with blood smeared all over.

"Huh yeah." Mark wasnt on his right mind.

"Let me call Ten." Renjun offered but Mark held his wrists tightly. Looking up with tears threatening to to spill.

"R-Renjun I-I'm afraid." Mark whispered.

"You afraid? Are you kidding me?" Renjun chuckled but his expression softened when Mark started crying softly. Something he rarely ever did. The blood of others made him want to rip himself off.

"Junnie when I see him. I see my family and I'm afraid that If I died he'd be orphaned." Marks lips trembled, he was spacing the room he was a mess.

"Mark? I know you love him, You need to protect yourself for him." Renjun patted the leaders shoulder.

"J-Junnie. H-He's p-pregnant." Mark crashed on the floor crying makings Renjuns eyes so wide.

"What!? Omg no wonder he has been throwing up! He'll loose the baby if he doesnt eat!! He's so fragile." Renjun fussed around totally panicked.

"Renjun my life is at stake. Kun is fucking back." Mark just hugged and cried he felt weak for the first time. He didnt want to leave Donghyuck.

"JAEMIN!!" Chenle screamed making both of them run out immediately. Jaemin was dragged by YangYang one of Kuns many men. Mark shot the man but couldnt aim. He tried to run after but Renjun stopped him.

"He needs you. I'll take it from here." The Chinese nodded as he ordered Chenle and Jisung to comr with him.

"Mark?" Donghyuck stumbled down the stairs.

"Y-Yeah? Min Na is breathing heavily. Jaemin is kidnapped, what if you leave me too?" Donghyuck was shaking, Marks arms gingerly lifted his boyfriends shirt, tracing the edge of the bump that carried a blessing. Donghyhck didnt know why but he was trembling.

"We need to find Jaemin." Donghyuck pulledMark outside.

"Hyuckie!! Dont I cant loose you!" Taeyong tried to stop them but the golden beauty was stubborn.

"Hyuck please Renjun will bring Jaemin back." Mark stopped Donghyuck.

"I dont care!! We need to bring him back!!" The younger screamed as he forced Mark to drive after Renjuns car.

The cars skidded in the rain that poured down blinding every human. Donghyuck was in pain, though he tried not to show the sting in his lower abdnomen. They opened fire, the vehicles crashed, Marks arms hugged Donghyuck before anything hurt him or their baby, Somebody harshly pulled Donghyuck out but dropped him immediately.

"Kill Jaemin right now damit. Let Doyoung pay for killing my son." Kun growled aiming at Jaemin. Mark and Jisung nodded at each other before stabbing a dagger down the mans throat as Jaemin ran free.

"Jaemin!!!" Donghyuck cried out as the cottoncandy boy threw himself on him, Kuns eyes gree wide at the mention of his long lost sons name. He dropped the gun then looked at Jaemin who was crying on Donghyuck.

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