Chapter 1

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Hey guys, please take a second to read what I have to say.

I wrote this story many years ago. I was naive, and my writing skills back then are not something that I am proud of.

Do you wake up sometimes and feel like you want to do something important?

Exactly. For me, it was the day I published this story. My goal was to reach 1,000 reads and make myself available for people who need to talk to me privately or even through random comments.

But these comments.

God, people, what are you thinking to yourselves?

I am done with all of this hate. As I said before, I was naive, and my writing skills were not that great. It's your own choice if you want to keep on reading or move on to the next story so that I will not have to see what a world without any support looks like(don't worry, I will not get mad).

Also, I am slowly editing the story. It will take some time, but we will get there.

Lastly, let me give you a piece of advice for life:

Stop with the hate. Always aim to be a better person. 



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Darkness was all I could see, and the creepy feeling I have been holding inside me ever since I walked outside of the gym, just refused to leave me. I knew it was cold, but the sweat avoided me from feeling it, and as gross as it may sound, I was thankful for it.

I walked for at least 10 minutes, not having the slightest clue on where I was heading. The silence in the air was starting to drive me crazy. I was starting to regret running away from the house. But how could you blame me? My parents are crazy! Crazy enough to...

"Mariah, get into the car right now!" I heard a very familiar voice calling me from behind.

Without a second thought, I started to run. Goosebumps began showing on my skin due to the strong wind hitting me with much power. But before I knew it, the car was catching up with me. I realized that there was no point in running anymore. 

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