Chapter 28

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Kevin's P.O.V

I was typing away on my laptop, making it almost break into pieces. I was so mad at her that I couldn't keep my anger inside anymore. All I wanted was to drink, fuck around, and forget everything in the morning. But I couldn't, not anymore. It felt like if I mess up again with her again, she will never forgive me. She has her ways blocking me completely from her life and I hated that.I hated that I hated it.

My door suddenly opened and Ace came rushing inside my office. He knew I didn't like it when people disturb me at my work, but he also knew that I would never do anything bad to him and that was a problem. Since I told him that I trust him enough to run the club that I was currently at, he began being too open with me, which I didn't like. At all. He was a lucky bastard that I apparently learnt to get used to it.

"What's wrong with you man? You have been in your office for way too long. Let's go downstairs to have some fun." He wiggled his eyebrows and gave me the dirty look.

So childish.

All I had to do was to look up from my laptop for him to understand why I have been stuck in my office for hours.

"What did she do now?" He sighed, knowing exactly the only person that could manage to make me angry yet tired and exhausted.

"She is fucking with my head man." I leaned back, meeting the back of my black leather chair.

Ace closed the door behind him and came sitting on the chair in front of me, telling me to continue.

"We had another fight." I sighed, feeling the need to call her and tell her that I am sorry for whatever it was that I did.

"I just... don't know how to deal with her anymore. One time she hates me, calling me names, ignoring me...And the other time she is just being herself you know?" I asked him, begging to God that he won't laugh his ass off because I am not being my usual self.

The tough guy.

"You are not the easiest person Kevin. It took me years to gain your trust. Whatever it is that is going on between you two, I am ninety nine percent sure that you are not easy with her, and that her actions are the result of yours."

"I am not the only one who is pushing her away man. She built these walls of pain and hatred and she won't never let me in. She won't let me break them down."

"Well, are you trying to break them down?"

No. No, I don't.

"Exactly." He took my silent as an answer.

"She never listens to me and I hate it. I hate it that she has this power over me and that she knows that no matter what she does, I will never hurt her." I said, completely ignoring his past comment.

"You do hurt her dude. From ignoring her since the beginning, calling her Marianna, taking away her job, to leaving her after that kiss. You are not the good guy in this story." A wave of regret washed over me and I promised myself to talk to her about it once I reach home.

"I am trying to be." I threw out in the air.

"Try harder." He demanded.

"And if you don't, I will gladly take my chance and hit on her." I glared at him harshly for about two minutes until he broke down.

"You can't blame me dude, she is hot as fuck."

And that was when I lost it.


When I came back home, Mariah wasn't anywhere to be found. I spent at least 20 minutes calling her around the house and stressing over the fact that maybe he took her. But it couldn't be possible, the hidden security around the house was way too strong.

"Jane?" I called her once I saw her cooking something in the kitchen. She didn't look hurt at all.

"Where is Mariah?" I asked harshly.

"Hello Mr. Jones, would you like some coffee?" She teased me purposely, trying to make me feel bad that I am too cold with her sometimes.

"Hello Ms. Brown, how are you doing? No, sadly, I will have to turn down your kind offer, I am too busy looking for Mariah." I complained angrily.

"Oh, she went for a run. She said she already told you, so I didn't prevent her from going. Even though she looked a bit exhausted."

"When did she leave?" I asked her, not believing that Mariah is that stupid to go out for runs when she has a damn fever.

"An hour ago." She sighed and I wanted to kill Mariah at that moment. I was worried, but the anger overtook it and I saw red.

"Thank you, I will be in my study room so please let me know when she comes back." For her own benefit, she better not come back at all.

Mariah's P.O.V

I was laying on my bed, feeling so much better after that run. I knew I kind of took the 'getting my mind off things' too far, because I handed up running for four hours, but I couldn't bring myself to care. I was happy, it was fun, and nothing could ruin my mood.

"Mariah!" I heard the asshole yell from downstairs.

Not even him.

He soon opened the door of my room and without even a second thought, I watched him walk inside.

"You were gone for six hours!" He threw his hands in the air.

"Four." I corrected him.

"It doesn't make it right. You have a fever!"

"Really?" I asked sarcastically.

"Yes really." He rolled his eyes at me.

"You are hurting yourself Mariah." His tone softened a bit.

"Well I don't care, go away Kevin." I said while covering myself with my warm blanket, getting ready for sleep to take over me.

Before I knew it, Kevin was laying next to me shirtless, with his whole glory shining on my face. I wish I could look that good.

"I hate it when we fight." He whispered and hugged me tightly bringing me closer to his warm figure.

I hate it too.

"And you are still burning and I hate that too." He whispered once more, making my heart melt.

Me too.

"And I hate it when you always yell at me." I whispered now too, looking up to his eyes.

"Do I hurt you?" He asked quietly.

"When you yell at me?" I asked confused.

"In general." He said, and I could tell that he felt a bit uncomfortable.

"Yes, yes you do." I couldn't hold back the tears anymore and when Kevin realised it, he quickly wiped them from my face. I saw him flinch while doing it, and so I took his hand and tried to see what was wrong with it. I saw a blue bruise when I began to cry even harder.

I didn't even know why.

"Shhh.. it's ok Mariah, I am ok." I could hear him chuckle from my drama scene but I didn't care.

I was on my period ok?!

"It's ok babe." He kissed my every tear with a small smile. 


"Go to sleep and we will talk about it tomorrow." He said calmly.

"Ok." I nodded and buried my head in his chest.

"Good night Mariah." He kissed my hair.

"Good night Kevin." I kissed his chest and he shivered beside me, probably because he was cold.

I don't know how the things have changed between us so fast, but I didn't want to overthink it. For once, I knew that I have to just let it be.

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