Chapter 32

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We did eat as much as we could. The food was amazing, and I know it sounds childish but I could tell that Kevin was proud of me.

You can see it as: 'proud of me for eating' but it was more than that. It felt more like: 'proud of me for changing for the better.'

"The steak is so damn good." Kevin moaned in my ears. It was getting annoying after an hour of his food opinions.

"The pasta, hamburgers, salads, salmon, noodles and rice are good too right Kevin?" I rolled my eyes at him, trying to hide my smile.

"Are you writing down everything I eat?" He asked me amused.

"No, you just make sure to tell me everything that enters your mouth." I told him honestly.

"Do you want to enter my mouth? Is that what it's all about?" He teased, causing me to actually think about that action.

I blushed immediately.


He began laughing like an idiot next to me, making me blush even harder from the attention that we were getting and from the sound of his laugh. My favourite sound in the whole world. Sadly, I will never admit that to him.

"Don't choke on that steak babe."

"If I choke on something, it will definitely be the salmon." He managed to say after he completely calmed down. 

"You are so disgusting." I smiled at him, contradicting myself in the most enjoyable way.

"Mariah! Kevin! I need you guys to meet someone. Come with me for a sec." And just like always, Ashely came out of nowhere, popping our safe little bubble.

We followed Ashely for at least ten minutes, walking around in circles, until we reached a very good-looking lady. She was standing with a glass of champagne, talking to some men who were obviously flirting with her.

But when her eyes landed on Kevin, and her dark red lips too, I felt something weird build up in my stomach.

"Meet Addison, a really good friend of mine. I thought you guys should meet cause from now on, we are going to hang out a lot!"

I didn't like the idea.

"Kevin! What is a man like you doing in my friend's wedding?" She wrapped her hands around him and I felt the need to punch her.

What the fuck was she doing?

I shot Kevin a harsh glare and he looked uncomfortable moving away from her tight hug.

"I am here with my..." She didn't even let him finish the sentence before she said:

"Let's go get a drink." She took his wrist and disappeared, and so did he.

"Addison can be a bitch sometimes." Ashely chuckled.

"What the fuck was that Ashley?" I laughed out of shock and anger.

"Wait, Addison?"

"Yep. Addison Park."

"What is she working as?" I asked.

"I am not really sure. I think one of the clubs out of town." She looked at me confused.

That Addison.

The 'last night was amazing' Addison. 

"Oh ok. Umm... I am going back to our table." I told Ashely.

"Are you good Mariah?" I could tell that she was concerned but I didn't want to worry her with my stupid problems on her wedding night.

"Yep, I just wanna drink something I feel dizzy."

I did feel dizzy.

As I was walking back to our table, I was starting to realise just how jealous I was.

Jealously, that weird feeling which causes you to want to kill somebody.

And I wanted to kill them both.

Some sweets began to show up on table 4 and I wanted to kiss each one of them.

They looked so good.

I ate at least five before I started to regret each one of them. I ate so much and it made me feel even sicker.

That was how I spent the night, walking back and forth, one time to the bathroom, the other time to table 4.

I washed my face so many times that at some point I couldn't feel them anymore. I stared at my reflection in the mirror for so long, not liking the pale look that I had on.

When I came back to the table I saw Kevin sitting there, his eyes focused on his phone.

"We will have to leave soon." He said, looking up from his phone.

I nodded.

"Do you want to dance?"

I nodded again, not wanting to miss the chance of dancing with him. Even though I was mad at him for leaving with that Addison.

He held me tight to him, warmth was entering my body just like he was starting to enter my heart.

"You look pale. Are you ok?"

I was about to answer when I saw the familiar dominant red lipstick on his cheek.

"You have...umm... you have lipstick here." I pointed at his cheek.

He brought his hand up to his right cheek, then back in front of his eyes.

He sighed.

"I hope you don't take that bullshit seriously." He sounded angry, but not at me.

"As the matter of fact, I do." I told him.

"I thought we agreed that I like you."

"Really?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Yes really. I wouldn't be here if not."

He had a point.

"You are so complicated Mariah." He laughed.

"Sure whatever." I smiled at him.

"Go wash your face before we leave." He said and kissed the top of my head.

Five minutes had passed and all I remember was the darkness that haunted me before I passed out, falling backwards into the cold arms of a stranger.

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