Chapter 14

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Well let me tell you what the plan was:

Do you remember the double date with Logan and Adele? Do you remember how Ellie joined us because the asshole gave Jane some days off? 

Yes that day... Well my plan was to piss Jones off so bad at that double date so he will cancel our wedding. I was thinking about calling him weird dirty names, ordering everything on the menu, accidentally pouring over him some wine, touch him in different places in front of my ex boss and his wife. I couldn't do half of those things with Ellie with us, and not even one of those things after her mother came and took her away from me. 

So there I was, watching the gorgeous white dress in front of me, and believe me when I say that gorgeous was a freaking understatement. The long pure white dress made my eyes hurt a bit, the gentle flowers on the soft material made me want to touch them so bad, but I couldn't risk making this dress dirty.

It was my wedding day.

And no, that double date didn't change anything. We didn't say a word to each other since he told me about Jane, which is back by the way, but it was better this way. I didn't have anymore thoughts about his lips anymore, about how to piss him off, how to make him cancel our wedding. Thoughts about Lucy. I did have thoughts about my parents after all. Are they gonna be in the wedding? Are they gonna talk to me? Do I even want to see them there? These thoughts kept me busy for the last 3 days, and they are going to end today.



The soft familiar voice gave me chills down to my body, and I froze, still staring at the dress, but this time, it wasn't as white as before. I couldn't bring myself to turn to the side and look at him, my body didn't let me. 

I could hear his heavy footsteps getting closer and closer until he was behind me, his hot breathing on my neck. When his arms began to wrap around my waist, I came back to reality and I slapped his hands away terrified and shocked from what just happened.

"Why the fuck are you here?"

I slowly turned around to face him, too scared from what I am about to see. 

There he was, his brown eyes looking deeply into mine, making me wonder what the hell he is doing here. 

Without getting a respond, I asked again:

"What the fuck are you doing here Mike?"

He looked taken aback by the amount of anger and hatred that was coming out of my voice, but he still looked calm, not bothered by my anger towards him.

"You used to call me babe once Mer."

A disgust look formed on my face and I couldn't speak for a couple of seconds.


He lost the right to call me that the moment he told me that I needed to lose weight.

"What the fuck are you doing here Mike!?"

"Your parents invited me."

"My parents?" I said more to myself than to him.

"They still think that we are besties." He rolled his eyes.


"Well go tell them that we are not. I don't want you here."

"I want myself here. Do you think I will not take the chance to meet your husband?"

"Go away Mike."

"Why would I?"

"Because I simply don't want you here."

"I simply want you back."


"I do." He said, not meeting my teary eyes.

"I do." My shaky voice barely came out of my mouth, and I felt like I would do anything to just go home, to my bed and never stop crying. I don't want to be here. But just like that, I sold my life to the devil.

Two simple words, one miserable future.

"You may kiss the bride."

Kiss the bride my ass. When I saw that Kevin took the words seriously a loud and strong cuff came out of my mouth, and then another small one, just to add some reality to the story.

"He really shouldn't, I am very sick."

Kevin backed away and looked at me in the eyes, something that he tried to avoided the last 3 days. I missed his eyes. The need of kissing him suddenly came back, but the anger in his eyes pulled me back to reality. Without noticing a small smile found his way to my mouth. I am angry, he is angry. We are even. There was a weird silence that filled the royal garden and I took the chance to make things a bit less awkward and suspicious.

"But I love you babe." I said loudly and hugged him tightly. He understood what I was trying to do, and went along with it. His arms hugged my waist tightly and he said loudly as well:

"I love you too Mer."

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