Chapter 9

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So that was my plan for the bright new day (note the sarcasm):

1. Getting out of bed. 

2. Drive to the police station with the little hope that maybe they would help me find Ellie's mother. 

3. Go to the gym to train Logan's wife, Adele. 

I know that I shouldn't damage my body even more, but training doesn't involve running and using a lot of energy so I should be fine. I decided to wear black high shorts with a simple dark yellow t shirt.

I had to wait for Ellie to wake up, so in the mean time I went down stairs to make her breakfast. After a few minutes of me trying to decided what to make, I heard crying upstairs. Ellie. I ran to my bedroom and saw something very unexpected.

 Kevin was standing next to my bed with her in his arms, trying to calm her down. When he saw me standing by the door, he looked down at Ellie quickly, trying to avoid eye contact. 


"Why are you in my room?" I asked him when the crying got louder.

"Do I really have to answer this question?" He asked without meeting my eyes.

"She won't stop crying." He said, now looking into my eyes.

"Try to sit down on the bed and talk to her." I said, suppressing myself that I am trying to help him. I needed to show him that I am not one of his whores but I felt like talking to him. I needed him to talk to me. He took my advice and sat down on my bed with Ellie on his lap, facing me. 

She stopped crying and she stared at my eyes, studying me. The look of innocence in her eyes was slowly starting to break my heart and I decided to look away, now at Kevin. He was looking at me too, studying my body, looking up and down.

"You are not going to the police." He suddenly said, understanding that from the way that I dressed. 

"Don't start Kevin." I rolled my eyes at him and walked to Ellie.

"I missed you blondie." I said as I bent down to the same eye level as her.

"Did you have a bad dream?" I asked her and she shook her head.

"So why did you cry?" I asked her with a sad expression on my face.

"Hungary" She pointed at her stomach and whispered.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked her as her eyes were starting to look happy again.

"Pancakes!" She screamed.

"Pancakes it is then." I moved my eyes up to Kevin's, his eyes were eyeing me dangerously. 

"You are not going Mariana." He declared. 

"Try me asshole." 

"Asshole, asshole." Ellie sang over and over again.

The asshole gave me the look of 'do something' but who am I to tell her to stop?

"Well, I can't disagree with that."

I stood up and walked downstairs, leaving the door open with a wide smile on my face.

I made pancakes.

It was an amazing experience.

That was an understatement.

It wasn't.

I carefully put the mix of milk, eggs, sugar and flower on the pan, trying to make the perfect circle when suddenly I felt something wet on my head. I turned around to see Ellie laughing like crazy in the asshole's arms, and the asshole smirking.

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