Chapter 25

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I felt sexy.

For the first time in my life, I felt freaking sexy.

I wore the shortest black dress that I managed to find with high black heels. My body looked almost perfect in that dress and I was happy. 

Really happy.

I decided to leave my black hair down and as usual, I didn't wear any makeup. Then I took a taxi telling the driver that I want the best and most expensive club that he could think of.

Yes, I was very serious about a good drink.

It seemed like the driver knew what I was talking about and so he finally stopped his taxi in front of a very impressive club.

Thank God.

I gave him the money and walked into the club. I couldn't see anything from how full the place was, but I was just trying to find the bar.

The drinks.

My sanity.

I walked around the club with a weird feeling that it was one of the Kevin's clubs. When I found the bar I immediately left behind that weird feeling and ordered vodka. A lot of vodka. 

"Why are you here?" That question sent shivers throughout my whole body but I didn't dare to look back at him.

Why is he here was the real question.

He sat on the chair next to mine and took the glass of vodka that was about to disappear in my throat. I turned my face to meet his and I saw my anger reflecting on his eyes.

"What do you want Jones?" I yelled over the loud music.

"You can't drink on an empty stomach!" He joined my yelling and turned to the waiter of the bar.

"Don't let her drink." He told him and turned back to me. His eyes got darker and I could tell he checked me out so I did the same to him.

He looked so hot with his messy black hair and blue eyes. The hickey that he had on his neck disappeared and I felt a bit relieved.

Don't ask me why.

"Your dress is too short and you are not getting any drinks. Go home." He demanded.

"I am not going home!"

"You can't be here! This isn't a place for you."

"Are you saying I am..."

"I am saying you are too damn innocent and beautiful to be left alone in one of my clubs."

I knew it was one of his clubs! But wait...

Did he just call me beautiful?

"I thought I am ugly Jones." I pushed him and his grip on the bar tightened.

"Go home now." His eyes flashed with anger but it didn't stop me.

"In your dreams." I stood up from my chair and began walking towards the dancing area.

I started dancing like crazy, moving my hips from side to side knowing that he was burning me with his intense glare. I was dancing and he was watching. After an hour of doing just that, he probably got bored out of his mind and left. I saw his chair empty once again, but it just gave me more energy to keep on dancing. I needed to forget him. I needed to forget his lips on mine.

When I felt unfamiliar arms wrapping around my waist I began to panic a little. I could't see the person's face but I knew it wasn't Kevin.

The asshole's touch felt way more better.

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