Chapter 21

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Kevin came home later that afternoon. I heard him talking to Jane, and seconds later his loud and fast footsteps. They got closer and closer until he reached my unclosed door. After at least four times of throwing up, I realised that there was no use in locking and unlocking the door every time I had to run to the toilet. 

I watched him carefully, and he watched me. He took off his shoes, unbuttoned his shirt, showing me his six packs, and got under the covers with me. We were facing each other, there was so much concern in his blue eyes that I found it harder and harder to keep my tears. I began to sob, not looking into his eyes anymore but looking at his bare chest. He pulled me into him, his head was resting on my shoulder, his arms were wrapping me, spreading the warmth of his body to mine. His touch felt pure, not like the touch that was hunting me ever since Mike came.

"I came as fast as I could." He whispered.

"I am sorry." He kissed my shoulder and I got goosebumps straight away.

"I want to go for a run." I said between the sobs. His hold got tighter.

"You are not going for a run, you are staying here with me."

"Don't leave ok? He might always come back." I said, releasing my biggest fear from my mouth. That time my hold on him got tighter.

"He won't come back Mariah. I have it under my control."

Under his control?

What did he mean by that? Before moving to a different topic, I promised myself that I will ask him about it in the morning.

"Just don't leave ok?" I whispered with the little energy that I had.

"Ok." He whispered back.

With that, we both fell asleep.

In each other's arms.


The nightmare was bad. Really bad. I woke up crying like crazy, trying to ignore the argue to throw up again. I was sweating like a pig and breathing like a pig. After ten minutes of me trying my best to calm myself down without any success, Kevin woke up. Probably because I moved too much on the bed. He sat up, and I deeply hoped that the darkness was hiding my tears away from him.

"He had a gun. He was going to kill me." I managed to say, my voice shaking.

He used his finger to turn my head around so I was facing him.

"He won't come back." He stated, looking deeply into my broken eyes.

"He will." I began to cry even harder.

'He will come back. He will kill me. He will kill me." I said, terrified by my own words.

"He won't come back, and even if he does Mariah, I am gonna be here with you, ok? I won't let him hurt you."

I couldn't stop myself from crying. The fear was eating me alive. I felt so disgusting for kissing him back, like my soul left me the moment I kissed him.

Kevin wrapped his arms around me. His touch was so light, like he was holding something so broken and he was afraid of breaking it more. 

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