Chapter 10

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I caused a scene in the gym.

 It didn't help.

I began shouting at the person in front of me like crazy. 

It didn't help either. 

 Even Logan helped me by saying that he needs a trainer for Adele, that Kevin should know how important that is. But this Kevin had so much fire in his eyes and he simply looked like he didn't care about a freaking trainer for Adele. It looked like the only thing he cared about was causing me pain, which he did, a lot. 

I couldn't even explain how much I hated him at that moment, and I wish I could tell him, but I could't. I didn't even say a word when he told me how much of an idiot I am in the car ride. I didn't say anything because I agreed with him, I am an idiot because I agreed to marry him. 

The one thing that I was proud of in this situation is that I didn't cry in front of him, and that was a big accomplishment. 

We came back home and without even looking back at him, I ran up stairs. I walked to my bedroom and I found Ellie and Jane asleep on my bed. The way Jane was hugging her was making my heart feel warmer and a small smile was on my face.

I decided to keep them there and I went to the living room, telling myself that the best thing to do would be sleeping on the couch today and watching movies. Movies always help me sleep, the guest rooms don't have tv there, so why not sleeping in the living room where I can actually have the chance of sleeping? 

I laid on the couch and I turned on the tv. The movie '50 shades of grey' was playing and I was going to watch it. I am 24, so sue me if you have a problem with Mariah Evans watching a really inappropriate movie!

I heard footsteps going down the stairs, and I thought about turning the tv off, but why would I? From the stairs, the asshole went to the kitchen and started to make food for himself. Well, that was surprising, Kevin Jones makes his own food. 

I forced my eyes to look at the screen and there I was, watching that inappropriate and uncomfortable movie with someone in the kitchen next to me. 

"Eat." He ordered.

He was standing in front of me, blocking the tv and handing me a plate that I didn't even bother looking at. I ignored him and tried to find a way to look behind him so I can watch the movie in peace.

"Eat Mariah!" He kind of shouted and pushed the plate closer to me.

He took me by surprise when he called me Mariah but then I still had to control my shit and ignore him.

"You didn't eat anything for a damn week! You leave the food barley touched all the time, it's not healthy." Another surprise.

A shocked expression was forcing it's way on my face and my mouth was fully open.

"W-what?" I tried to sound unaffected by his words and it clearly didn't work.

"You. Don't. Eat. Enough." He stopped after every word, making me feel like he is taking to a baby, and just like that I lost all of the anger that I had towards him today.

Does he care about me? Even a bit?

"What do you mean I don't eat enough? I eat a lot, all the time. You were probably just imagining or something." I said, trying very hard to hide the dark truth.

"I don't imagine things Mariah Evans, so just shut up and eat the damn thing before I come down!"

He knows my last name.

How the fuck does he know my last name? He decided to put the plate on my lap, and he left upstairs. He just left. Left me with my thoughts.


I didn't eat the cream mushroom pasta that is now in the coffee table, in front of me. I was too busy over thinking, like always, but hey, you couldn't blame me! Any normal person would over think what just happened. 

How does he know? 

Why does he care?

 Were the only two questions that I was over thinking. I mean, what the fuck? Is it him being hot and cold? Is he that kind of a person? One time he knows my name, even my last name! Knows what I eat, mostly what I don't eat. Knows how to make me feel safe, good about myself. Another time he doesn't even treat me like a person, he treats me like fucking shit! 

I lost my job because of him! I was working there for so fucking long, and just like that, I lost my job. He called me a fucking whore! My husband called me a whore! Is he always going to be like that, such an asshole? 

I turned off the tv, the movie was not going to help me sleep anyways. I was about to turn around to face the head of the sofa but my head had different plans. Kevin was going down stairs, looking like a freaking god.

 He was wearing black ripped jeans with a simple black t shirt covered with a black leather jacket. His hair was styled and his blue eyes were brighter than usual. I have never seen him like this. 

Kevin Jones wears suits all the time, and I don't know what he works for but it must be something serious. He is up to something, and I am really starting to hate this something.

 His eyes were wondering between the good looking pasta and me and they looked annoyed. Well, 

I should be annoyed! I lost my job because of him today! 

He walked towards me and took a seat on the sofa besides mine.

"We are a couple, people know that we are engaged. I don't want these people to see you like that and think that I starve you to death here. You need to act like a normal wife and start making people believe that we are actually married! We will have a ceremony on Friday so you better find a good dress and do something about your food issues!" He half yelled and stood up.

"I will never ever marry you Kevin. Go tell someone else your crap and leave me the hell alone! I don't want to be here, you are making me crazy, crazy! I don't fucking know why I am here, do you get how insane that is?! I am here for almost a week now and I don't even know why!" I yelled at him and stood up too.

"You don't deserve answers, and if it depends on me you will never get them. All you have to know is that you are my wife, and that we are getting married in 3 days whether you like it or not."

"I want to know why I am here Kevin, I deserve to know." My voice was low and quiet. I tried so fucking hard to not cry.

He thinks I don't deserve answers.

How sick do a person need to be to think that?

"Eat the fucking thing before I get back. If I see it in the same position Mariana, Jane will face the consequences."

He was about to turn around but I took his wrist and prevented him from doing it. I gave up on trying to look for answers the second I heard her name coming from his mouth.

"Jane?" Confusion and sadness were very clear in my voice.

He didn't respond and I took the chance to ask him another weird, bad, awkward question.

"Are you going to Lucy?" He looked surprised by the question with his wide eyes staring at me intensely.

I was surprised at myself too, but I didn't mean it to come out of my mouth. He was quiet, it looked like he didn't know how to answer my question, and I couldn't blame him. It was stupid! Without any respond he broke our intense stare and he walked to the door. Without looking back either he closed the door and left the house. 

Fuck. It was too much humiliation for one day. First it was when I thought he is going to kiss me, and now the question, now he really thinks that I care. I don't! I laid back on the sofa and just like that, deep sleep took over me. 

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