Chapter 33

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A weak body was laying on the black floor in an empty room. I couldn't see the face of that powerless women but there was something familiar about her hair. 

Dark, just like mine. 

The curiosity grew stronger and stronger that I started to walk towards the body. What I saw next left a deep scar in my already broken heart. 


Her eyes were closed, her skin pale. 

I never had the best relationship with my mother, but at that moment, all I could do was cry my eyes out. I was terrified. Terrified from the idea of losing her. 

"Open your eyes! Please don't die. Please!" I screamed to the empty air. 

She raised me, she took care of me, in her own weird way she loved me. 

The walls of the empty room started to close on us. I immediately protected her with my body, using myself as a shell from our cruel world. 

"Mom! I love you mom. Please mom, please don't leave me please." I begged her. 

The tears didn't stop even for a second. The room got smaller and smaller. My heart was beating faster and stronger. 

"I will do anything mom.... all you have to do is open your eyes." I cried harder. 

"Open your damn eyes!" Your damn beautiful brown eyes. 

I remembered being thankful that day when she found me at the gym for having my father's blue eyes. The guilt and sorrow were closing on me along with the walls, making it so fucking hard to breathe. 

"I love you mom." Was the last thing I said before I closed my eyes. 

Dying with her. 


"She is waking up. Call boss right now!" The Russian accent was clear in the stranger's voice. The blur of a strong body with blond hair scared the crap out of me. I wished to see Kevin's dark hair but it was nowhere to be found. 

He was nowhere to be found. 

"Hello little doll." My eyes snapped at the person in front of me. I could see his face more clearly now. His stare made me extremely uncomfortable along with his huge built body. Not wanting to give him anymore attention, I began to glance around the dark room. 

Just like in the horror movies, I was sitting on an unstable chair at the middle of the room. Some light was coming from the celling above me. The walls were... bloody. 

The walls were covered in blood. 

I, again, found it difficult to breathe. 

The memorizes of my mother laying on the floor, slowly dying, were rushing back and my eyes met the pair of eyes in front of me again. 

"Where is she?" I screamed and couldn't help myself not to flinch. 

My voice was weak, exactly like the rest of my body. 

"Where is who?" A glint of danger was present in his blue eyes. I wished to see Kevin's blue eyes but they were nowhere to be found. 

He was nowhere to be found. 

"My mother! Where are you hiding her?" I screamed again, holding the tears back. 

"I don't like your tone doll. Try again." He warned me. With the blood on the walls and the look in his eyes, his warning was happily accepted. With a forced smile on my pale face, I asked again:

"Where is my mom?" 

"Good job doll. Your mommy and big daddy are both busy trying to find how to get you out of here."

I tried to ignore the sexual meanings in that sentence but I couldn't manage to hide my smile. 

She was safe. 

And he was making fun of himself without even knowing. 

"Do you even know English or are you trying to sound like a teenager on purpose?" 

"Enough! If you don't want to end like these people-" He stopped to point at the walls. 

"Don't do it! It's fucking sick!" I screamed, only then realising that I am still sick with a fever. 

In an instant, the jerk slapped me hard. My head almost flew to the other side of the room but since I was being wrapped to the chair, the slap only caused my cheek to hurt like hell. 

Before I knew it, that asshole was on the floor screaming in pain. 


Kevin, please help me. 

"Don't touch her ever again! She is only mine to touch." That claim sent shivers down my whole body. And I knew, I just knew, that whatever it was going on, it will not end well. 

"Mariah Evans, how nice it is to finally meet you." Talking about sick, his voice made me sick to my stomach. 

His Russian accent was bolder. 

His body looked stronger. 

His eyes blue, but darker. 

His hair for a change was light brown. 

I was screwed. 

"What do you want?" The heat from one side of my face reminded me not to scream.

"I don't owe you any answers love, but I promise you will soon find out." His voice was less threatening but I knew that deep inside, he was the worst out of them all. Only by looking into his empty eyes. 

"What do you want from me?"

"This is how it will work." He ignored my question and continued. 

"You will stay here, entertain me a bit until I get my revenge." His eyes were full of lust and anger. 

"What revenge?" 

"Revenge on your damn family and their gang." He smiled at me, knowing pretty well that I am confused since day one.


That explains a lot but at the same time, it doesn't explain anything. 

Such a simple word yet so many answers are hidden behind her. 

"Where is Kevin?" I was eager to know anything about him at that point. I missed him more than I could explain in words. I knew that I started falling for him, but only then I realised how fast I was falling. How deep. 

He cared for me. 

More than anyone in this world. 

Even after all the terrible things he did and said to me, I cared for him just as much or more. 

I cared for him and I wanted to see him. Not because I was scared to death, but because I wanted to take his warm hand, place it on my heart, and let him know what he does to me. Let him feel my heart beating like crazy. 

Only and just for him. 

"He will join you soon." 

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