Chapter 23

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I was laying on my bed, facing the blank wall above me. I couldn't stop thinking, but for once in my life, I needed to stop thinking. Especially now when I actually don't have to think. I don't have to think about money, because he clearly has a lot. I don't have to think about my parents because I don't live with them anymore. I don't have to think about Ellie because she is probably the happiest girl on earth right now with her mother. I don't have to think about Mike because well, Kevin seemed sure about the fact that he won't come back again. I don't have to think about that asshole because he clearly doesn't fucking think about me. I don't have to think about Lucy because now I know for sure that Kevin and I have no chance.

Not that I wanted one to begin with.

So i just have to stop. 

Stop thinking. 

The problem with me is that I just can't stop thinking, it doesn't come that easily for me. The one thing I do that makes me stop thinking is running, and I was going to do exactly that. 

I changed my clothes and my shoes and I even managed to find a good hair tie. 

What a good day! 

I was about to my open the door but someone managed to open it before me. And let me tell you, my heart managed to beat a little faster and I hated myself for that.

I knew it wasn't Jane.

The asshole opened the door, almost hitting my face while doing it, when he saw what I was wearing his eyes widen with anger.

"Where do you think you are going?"

I ignored and walked to the bathroom to fix my hair, even though I didn't even need too. He followed me and said the last thing I wanted to hear:

"Your parents are here."

He was behind me but I could see his face and his hickey from the mirror I was facing. I could tell from his hickey that I shouldn't ever trust what he says but from his face I knew he wasn't lying. 

My parents were really there. 

I wanted to yell at him, hit him so hard that he won't be able to show off his beautiful hickey and face to the world. But I didn't. I had to keep myself together. I turned around and gave in to my brain.

"I don't give a damn. I am going for a run and you can't do anything about it, neither can they."

"They came all the way here just to make sure you won't ditch again and decide not to show up for a dinner. So you better go change and come down stairs whenever you are ready." He sounded mad, but at the same time he sounded like he was talking to a 3 year old girl.

"I am not coming. If you adore them so much, go have dinner with them by yourself." I yelled and tried to push him out of the bathroom but he stayed still.

"Go change Mariah, I don't want them to see you like that."


"And I don't want to see them and you at all." I stated. One good point for Mariah!

"Is it about the hickey?" He looked down at me, waiting for an answer. 

I would never answer that question I told myself and walked past him. In a matter of seconds he took my wrist and turned me around so I was facing him.

"Tell me"

"Tell you what?" I rolled my eyes.

"You are impossible." He rolled his eyes, but I could see that he was a little bit annoyed.

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