Chapter 19

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That night, I couldn't even close my eyes for a second. I was wearing my large red hoodie and my black comfortable yoga pants after changing clothes over and over again, hoping it would make a change with my sleeping situation. It didn't.

 The guilt from slapping him was eating me alive and the sadness from his hot and cold moods didn't do any good either. I got out of bed and walked to his room, not caring anymore what he will say or do. He was my only chance of sleeping that night. I opened his bedroom door and got into bed with the one and only:

Kevin Jones

Please God don't let him kill me, I looked at the celling and prayed before I got closer to him. Trying but not trying to wake him up. I was seconds away from reaching him and resting my head on his chest but he opened his eyes. Just my luck.

"What do you think you are doing?" He sounded tried, his eyes could barely stay open.

"I...I...I can't sleep."

"And what do you expect me to do? Hug you until you fall asleep?" He rolled his eyes and sounded a bit mad, probably from the slap.

"I am sorry Kevin."

"Oh are you?"

I moved closer to him trying to rest my head on his bare chest.

Trying was a key word.

He moved away quickly, like I just burnt him, and the space that was left between us was just making me lose hope slowly. I knew I wouldn't get any sleep anytime soon.

"Stop acting like a virgin." I said and heard him laugh after a few seconds. Kevin Jones was laughing from my joke. Wow.

I, again, moved closer towards him. He didn't have any space on his side of the bed, so he just stayed at the same exact spot as I got closer. I finally got to rest my head on his warm chest and feel like maybe I could get some sleep after all. I rested my arms on his bare chest too and felt him shiver under me. They were probably cold or something. I began to make myself comfortable on him as I felt his hands moving from my shoulders to my back. Up and down, up and down.

"Did you eat dinner?"


"Did you eat anything?"


"You didn't, did you?" He sounded disappointed, but it didn't stop him from moving his hands to play with my hair, and in that moment I almost melted.

"Not really." I lifted my head from his chest and smiled at him.

"But I promise I will eat something tomorrow." He smiled back and pushed my head down, back to his chest so he could keep playing with my hair.

"Good night Kevin."

"Good night."

With that, I fell asleep.


Like any other magical movie in which the guy that sleep with (not in that way of course) was that dreamy perfect guy even after you woke up and found him next to you, my movie had a few changes.

It was more like a tragic movie in which the guy that I slept with (not in that way of course) wasn't that exact perfect guy once I woke up and couldn't find him next to me. 

What the fuck did I even expect from that asshole?! 

It was 10 am when I decided to go back to my bed. My ego wouldn't let me stay in his. 

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