Chapter 6

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I surprisingly woke up to a very beautiful morning.

In the car.

He left me in the car.

I am stating to think that the fact that he forget my name is not the lowest he can get to. He literally left me in the car, I am dead! The guy really hates me, doesn't he?

 I started laughing from nowhere. I mean, it was funny. I woke up in a car because his ego didn't let him act differently towards me, and every chance he gets, he shows me that what he feels towards me is pure hate. 

I have nothing to do for the next few weeks, so I decided, I am going to make the asshole crazy. He can't hate me more than he hates me now. I left the car with a smile on my face, I finally found something to do. And this something should be interesting. 

I got in to the house, ready for my challenge. He was sitting on the white kitchen table, with coffee in one hand, and his phone on the other. 

Let's do it!

I came behind him and I took his phone from his hand in one quick move. I then walked around him so I can face him. I saw confusion on his face, it's better than anger that's for sure. I looked down on his phone in my hands, and I started to read what I saw out loud under the name Lucy.

"I am free tonight, do you want me to come?" Right after that I started laughing, this is going to be better than interesting.

I started to type back the answer but he took his phone away from me with a lot of force. When his phone was in his hands, he locked it and put it on the table. He looked at me straight in the eyes but I just couldn't stop laughing. 

The fact that he is a fuck boy passed me dead. 

He is hot, but he is scary too. How do women even look at him without peeing in their pants? The laughing slowly died, and when I completely calmed down I managed to say:

"Is it only with me that you are that scary?" He didn't reply, but he didn't break the stare either.

"You know that you can't sleep with other women now, right Jones?" I said with a smile on my face.

He didn't answer, of course, but he was still staring.

"I will sleep with whoever I want Mariana." He suddenly said.

He broke the stare and stood up, his coffee still in his hands. I started laughing again. Who is he trying to convince?

"Jones, I know that you know my name. You can stop pretending now." I managed to say without getting any laugh on the way. He drank a little more from his coffee, and then put it back down on the table.

"Don't ever talk to me again smiley face." He said with so much anger in his eyes but still managed to fake a laugh, then he went down stairs after he took his phone. As soon as he was out of sight, I started laughing like crazy again. This is going to be much better than I thought. 


I spent the rest of the day doing nothing. 

Literally nothing.

I saw the boxes of clothes from my house in my room, but I couldn't bother dealing with them, so right now they are next to my bedroom door staring at me while I am in bed, thinking. Thinking about Lucy.

 Who is she? 

Is she dating the asshole? 

Is she the reason why he is being so close and cold? 

I wanted to ask him, but I knew that he was still mad, so I decided not to bother him much in the next hours. That decision that I had with myself was kind of off by now, it was 11pm.

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