Chapter 22

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I woke up to the sound of the knockings on the door. Panic started to take over me. Horror was controlling my body to the point where I decided to hide under the warm blanket. I saw a figure under the blanket and a smile made its way to my face. Kevin. He didn't leave. I came out of the blanket and hugged him hard from the back, hoping he would wake up and protect me from the person behind the door.

"Mariah." He whispered, his voice tired.


"Are you trying to kill me?" The hug. Ops.

"Sorry." I whispered and released the hug, disappointment replaced the horror and panic. Kevin turned around and his beautiful face were all I needed to calm down completely.

What the fuck is wrong with me I thought and wanted to slap myself. Kevin Jones is an asshole, he always was and always will be. But it didn't mean I couldn't share a bed with him and cuddle. Enemies do it too.

"There is someone at the door."

He looked a bit shocked but I knew he was trying to hide it.

"Where is Jane?" I asked.

"I gave her somedays off."

"Oh." I wanted to thank her. 

He quickly got out of bed, put his shirt back on and took something out of his closet. I moved myself from the bed and stood up next to him when I saw that he was holding a gun. A fucking gun.

"Ho...How... Why do you have a gun?" I tried to ask but the barely came out of my dry mouth.

"It's not the time for questions." He said with his low and tired voice and started to talk towards the main door downstairs.

He carefully opened the door, with me behind him. The next thing we both saw was a very familiar guy. Logan. Kevin put down his gun and looked back at me with a smile. I didn't realise that I was smiling too.

"You good man?" He asked with his casual tone.

"Yeah, just some safety issues. You can come in."

The two guys sat on the sofa when I decided to go back to sleep and said goodbye to Logan. I went back to my room and fell asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow.


I woke up to the feeling of emptiness. It was dark outside and my empty stomach was killing me. I was sure that food was my solution and so I went to the empty kitchen. There was cold pizza in the fridge and so I took it out and I waited for it to get warmer while sitting on the counter. 

He said he wouldn't leave me, but he did. I knew I shouldn't really trust him, especially after I saw his extreme mood swings and his gun, but I somehow did. I was a stupid immature women and from now on I will never trust someone like him, I thought and wiped the tears away from my cheeks. I have been crying a lot lately and I promised myself that it's going to change too. 

Many thoughts were occupying my mind and I didn't even notice that the pizza finally got warmer. I placed it in front of me but I just couldn't eat it. I was so fucking hungry, my empty stomach was killing me, but I just couldn't bring myself to actually eat the thing. Pizza was the food I have been trying to avoid for so long. Tears again were starting to form in my eyes, but I didn't let them fall. I am going to be strong for once. While I was staring at my pizza I heard someone's keys outside the door. Moments later Kevin was walking inside the house.

Ignore him Mariah, ignore him.

He walked to the counter and stood beside me and the pizza, leaving his car keys and phone on the counter. He looked right at me and before I knew it he grabbed my pizza and took a large bite from it. 

Fuck him, fuck him, fuck him. 

I glared at him but he just stared back at me with a small smile. My eyes widen and I felt so much pain when I saw what was on his neck. He wasn't even trying to hide it from me.

"You have a hickey on your neck asshole." His smile disappeared and he just looked at me. Talking about trusting him...

"So what?" He asked me, his tone very serious for some reason.

We looked in each other's eyes. He was challenging me with his eyes, wanting me to say what I really felt about the fresh red hickey on his neck, wanting me to admit that maybe something is going on between us after all.

"How do I keep up with such an idiot?" I asked myself, not giving in to his eyes. I stood up from my chair, walking towards the stairs and so back to my peaceful room, leaving the jerk behind.

With my pizza.

With my fucking damn pizza. 

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