Chapter 8

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I stayed in the bathroom for a couple for minutes before I went out. My cheeks were burning and my eyes and nose were red. 






I ran back to the bathroom, the moment of truth. I looked for any blood on my underwear but I didn't see a thing, I wasn't even on my period. I wasn't on my period this whole time! Ok Mariah, calm down.... take deep breaths...breath in...breath

When I finally managed to calm down I left the bathroom. I had to see a man dying because I thought I was on my period, how stupid is that?! I went downstairs to ask Jane for a pillow and a blanket, the sofa is where I am going to sleep today. 

I looked for Jane everywhere but I couldn't find her. I decided to go to his office, he was my last hope. I know it will be awkward between us now, but I was tried and I didn't care about awkwardness at that moment, maybe he will also tell me what he found out about Ellie's parents. I went down to his office, second door to my right. 

I knocked couple of times, and when I didn't hear any answer I opened the door. It was 6pm right now, and he was in his office, reading a book.

"Do you know where Jane is?" I asked him.

He didn't respond.

Oh My God, are we going back to that now?

"Kevin, where is Jane?" I asked again, more angry now.

He ignored.

I walked out of his room without looking back. I can't believe he just ignored me. I went to my room and decided to sleep with Ellie, we needed each other.


I couldn't sleep, not surprising. He was controlling my mind, I couldn't stop thinking about him. We had a moment and he ruined it. 

I thought, just for a second that maybe we have a chance, but he ruined that too. 

Does he ignore me because of what I said? 

Was it that bad?

 All I wanted was to have this side of him for a bit longer. He was kind, caring, supportive. ... I needed him to be like that. 

Maybe he ignores me because of something else? 

Did I do something wrong? 

I quietly left the room, leaving Ellie behind.

I was wondering in the hallways for so long, I opened every single door but I couldn't find his room. I remembered following him that night to his room, but it was all dark, I couldn't see anything that day. 

I walked and opened doors for at least 5 minutes, there were so many at the second floor. I opened all of the, but one, at the end of the hall. 

That has to be his room. I opened the door without knocking and I saw him there, laying on his huge black bed with both of his hands behind his head. Everything at his big room was black, his bed, desk, mirror, even the door to his bathroom. He noticed me coming, but he ignored. I walked to his bed and laid there, next to him.

"Why are you ignoring me now?" I asked him and looked straight into his eyes.

He didn't look back, he was just staring at the wall in front of him with tired eyes.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked quietly when the silence became too strong.

But he just added more to it.

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