Chapter 17

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After an hour of him asking me loads of questions and me telling him the whole truth, he looked a bit more relaxed. 

Just a bit. 

The fact that I didn't show the police any pictures was the fact that calmed him down. I was eager to find out why, but too tired and exhausted to bring up the subject after an hour of talking.

"Why are we even staying here? We have a house you know."

"We are staying here because I want to stay here."

"But I don't want to stay here."

Why did I even expect him to respond?

"Whatever, I am sleeping on the bed."

"Where did you go yesterday?"


"Where did you go yesterday?

"The real question is, where did you go yesterday?"

"Don't change the topic and just answer the god damn question." He sounded bored and came to sit next to me on the bed.

"If I tell you, you tell me?"

"Maybe." Oh wow, I didn't expect that.

"Ok, I went for a run yesterday, and you?"

I looked down at my silver rings, too scared to meet his eyes. When I did, I saw something different flashed in them and it made me confused as fuck.

 It was disappointment. 

Why the hell would he be disappointed, the guy doesn't give a shit about me, and as sad as it sounds, it's true.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop ruining your body?"

"My body is already ruined , I am ugly anyways right Jones?" I didn't know if that sentence even made sense, but I felt like I had to let it out. He thinks that I am ugly and it makes me mad.

"What are you even talking about Mariana?"

"That name, again. I can't. I just can't." I sat up from the bed and walked towards the door in my blank black t-shirt and red comfortable shorts. I needed to get out of there. Fast.

"Where do you think you are going?"

With that I closed the door in his face and went to the only place that I could think of.

The lobby.


I cried.

I cried a lot.

In the lobby, on the couch. Embarrassing and pathetic were the only two words that I could use to describe the situation, but no one knew me there anyways. And so I kept on crying. Crying about my mom, about my body, about my job (that is not even mine anymore) 

I cried because I don't deserve to be treated like that. He can't just treat me like that. Treat me like I am no one, like I don't deserve answers to why I even have to deal with him . 

And that name. 

It's killing me every time he says it, a little by a little. My crying only became louder when I felt two strong arms around me, lifting me up from the red sofa in the lobby. There was no wonder it was him, his smell is nothing but unnoticed anymore. I couldn't resist his touch, I was too tired and exhausted to fight him but his warmth was making me feel a bit better. 

"Shhh don't cry ok? We are almost in our room. He whispered in a tone that I have never heard before, making me feel more childish, but I didn't care, his words did surprise me. 

With me in his arms, he somehow opened the fancy door and got in the room. He then gently laid me on the bed, not making eye contact with my red eyes. He took me by surprise when he laid beside me, very close but not touching. Well, I was still furious with him and that name. He did carry me up there but I was not going to let him think that he can treat me like shit and then expect me to be fine with him and forget.

"I am taking the sofa." I said and started to get up from the bed.

In a fast move he pulled me down by my waist with him and put his hand over my stomach, hugging me from behind. His warmth was enough to make me feel like I am in heaven, it just felt... right. 

"And why would you do that?" He asked in a calm tone, placing his head in between my shoulder and my ear.

"Because I hate you." I said, trying so fucking hard not to show the affect that he had on me in my voice.

"You hate me?" He asked with the intension of making me feel like a child by his tone.

"I really do." I said trying to sound mad without success. How can you sound mad when Kevin Jones is touching you?

"Do you want to tell me why." His breath was on my neck and I shivered. I needed to get away from him before something that I would regret happen.

"I want you to let me go and leave me alone and never talk to me again." The sentence that brings everything together. I turned around, curious to see his reaction. There was no reaction. He just looked me deep in the eyes and said the last thing that I expected him to say:


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