Chapter 13

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"Which one do you want Ellie?"

After hours of her pointing at different kinds of pizza and me trying my best not to get mad at her and ignore Jones, it was getting tiring.

"I want this one!"

Cheese pizza.

"Are you sure?" I asked her for the hundred time.

"I am sure." She said rolling her eyes.

I could feel the asshole smiling at her reaction, but I couldn't care less. 

The pizza came 10 minutes later along with my salad and the asshole's steak. I could feel him glaring at me, telling me with his eyes to order something, and I did. 

Kevin Jones could be scary sometimes. 

Why does he care? Well that's another thing that I was overthinking since last night.

"So how are you guys?" Adele's sweet voice caught my mind.

I looked at Kevin, waiting for him to speak up. He didn't.

"We are good, how are you?"

This is getting awkward.

"We are great. Did you finish planning the wedding?"


I choked on the piece of tomato from my salad and tears were starting my show in my blue eyes. Logan's eyes caught hers and she looked down, regret in her eyes. 

Did Kevin tell them about the wedding? Didn't he tell them that it's all fake?

"Ellie?" The women in front of me looked like the happiest women in the world, even happier than how I looked like after I kicked his balls.

"Ellie!" She was running towards the girl beside me, her blond hair still wet from the rain out of the restaurant.

"Mommy?" Ellie's innocent answer surprised me, and there I was, watching Ellie's mom hugging her with so much love that it was painful to watch at some point.

I wish I had someone that would hug me with so much love. The memory of Kevin hugging me, calling me my real name and telling me that he was proud of me was occupying my brain and it took everything for me to let it go and focus on the situation in front of me. 

Before I knew it, warm arms wrapped around me and hot tears were making their way under my thin red dress.

"Thank you, thank you so much!"

I didn't return the hug. This was getting too much, how did she even know where Ellie is? She released the hug and looked deeply in my eyes, her brown ones showing nothing but confusion.

"Are you going to take Ellie away from me?"

"I am sorry." I turned to Ellie, the way she was looking at me, with her beautiful brown eyes was the thing that broke me.

Tears were running down, and I felt weak again. 

"Ok." I whispered.

"Ok." Ellie whispered and hugged me tightly.

While Ellie and I had our moment, her mom spoke to Kevin, and the couple in front of us were eating their food quietly, their heads down.

"Thanks for calling me Kevin, I don't know how you found me, but I am really grateful for everything you have done."

Kevin found her, the asshole found her mom.


"Thank you so much, both of you." She turned to me.

"I can't explain how much I appreciate what you have done. Ellie is my life, she is the only one I have, she is the reason why I still have a bit of meaning in life, thank you, thank you, thank you."


That's all I could see.

My tears,

Her tears.

Tears of confusion.

Tears of sadness.

Tears of anger.

I hate my life.


"Are you not gonna talk for the whole ride?"


"I asked..." He rolled his eyes and repeated.

"Are you not gonna talk for the whole ride?"


"Are.You.Not.Gonna.Talk.For.The. Whole.Ride?!" His tone made it very clear that he was annoyed at my reactions, but I couldn't care less.

"What?" I asked again, trying my best to get on his nerves.

His hands tighten on the wheel, his veins showing on them, I could see how irritated he was getting.

"Cut the crap Mariana!"

Well, I was expecting the original Kevin to come up at some point.

"Who is Mariana? Why are you always taking about her, it's getting annoying Jones."

Two can play that game.

"Mariana is a very loud, immature, irresponsible, annoying person."

"She sounds nice." I said with a fake happy tone.

"She is nothing like nice." Jones actually responded, his hands not tight as before.

For the first time since I met Kevin Jones, I was the one who ended the conversation. I didn't have energy to deal with him. He took everything from me, every single thing. He treats me like I am no one. I can't be with him alone, I had Ellie, she was my way to escape him.

Now she is gone.

I had Jane, she was the only one who actually gave a crap about me.

Now she is gone too.

I don't deserve this. I don't deserve this. I don't deserve this. I don't deserve this. I don't deserve this. I don't deserve this. I don't deserve this. I don't deserve this. I don't deserve this. I don't deserve this. I don't deserve this.

And it kept on going until I got in the house, Kevin's eyes still on me, studying my every move.

"I gave Jane some days off today, she will be back before our wedding."

I don't deserve this. I don't deserve this.

I don't deserve this.

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