Chapter 34

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Kevin's POV

"Meet Addison, a really good friend of mine. I thought you guys should meet cause from now on, we are going to hang out a lot!" Mariah's best friend- Ashely, announced cheerfully. 

She looked like a pain in the ass with her bright hair and her annoying voice. 

But who am I to judge?

My eyes left Mariah's kissable lips when I noticed the unhappy expression on her face. And as soon as her big eyes met mine, I knew that the night is not going to end well. 

I was too fucking busy looking at my beautiful Mariah, thinking how I could change the way she looks at her perfect self, that I didn't notice that Addison was standing right in front of me. 

"Kevin! What is a man like you doing in my friend's wedding?" Her fake happy tone just confirmed my fears. 

The night is not going to end well. 

When she wrapped her hands around me, I did nothing but think about Mariah's touch. So pure and innocent. Addison's was nothing like that. 

Not pure. 

Not innocent. 

When I finally pulled away from her tight hug, she wasted no time in taking me to get drinks. Her poor excuse to try kissing me. I had to repeat the action 'think of Mariah's touch' again so I will not end up killing her. 

I did fire her after I pushed her away and got my control back. 

Yes, she was good at her job, nothing more and nothing less. 

I went back to our table in hopes to find Mariah there and explain. Of course she wasn't there. I took the opportunity to make some calls but when I saw the text from Ace, I couldn't help but freeze. 

'Be careful tonight,

they can be anywhere.' 

I didn't bring any bodyguards with me tonight. 



I was so lost in that women that I fucking forgot that we even need bodyguards with us. 

Fuck it!

"We will have to leave soon." I told her firmly once I saw her getting closer to the table. 

She just nodded.

I could tell she was angry with me and figured straight away that she knew I just left with the 'last night was amazing' Addison. It was a stupid decision when I asked her to dance with me, it was too risky for the both of us, but I didn't want her to be mad at me for nothing. 

We walked towards the dancing area and when we reached, I held her as tight as I could to my strong body, finally feeling her touch. I was starting to relax, but when I looked down at her, I couldn't help but get worried. I forgot that she was sick, and by now probably very tired. 

"You look pale. Are you ok?"

"You have...umm... you have lipstick here." She ignored my question and pointed at my cheek. 

I brought my hand up to my cheek, then moved it in front of my eyes. The red lipstick was all I could see. 

That bitch. 

"I hope you don't take that bullshit seriously." I was mad. I was furious. I pushed Addison fucking away. 

"As the matter of fact, I do." Fuck. 

"I thought we agreed that I like you."

"Really?" She rolled her eyes. 


"Yes really. I wouldn't be here if not." I tried to convince her. 

I saw on her face that is was working, I did have a point after all. 

I wouldn't be there if not for her. 

"You are so complicated Mariah." I laughed.

"Sure whatever." She smiled at me, one of her true smiles. 

"Go wash your face before we leave." I kissed the top of my head, letting her go. 

Letting her go. 

After two hours of searching for her, calls from Ace and mainly screams and punches I realized that I did let her go in a way. A very bad way. 

"He has her Ace." I breathed hard, too hard. 

"You still don't know that Kevin." His tone was soft, too soft. 

"He has her!!!" I yelled at him. I could feel it, it was something in the air. 

"God damn it Kevin, fucking breathe." 

"It was my job to keep her safe. It was my fucking job to keep her safe Ace." I almost whispered. 

If she only knew that she was forced to marry me just so I could keep her safe. 

"I will call Logan and let him know. We need our best men on this." He stated. 

"We will start looking for her today!" We had to. We had to. 

"There is no hope in looking for her today Kevin. It's dark, we won't be able to find anything." 

Smart bastard. 

"Tomorrow morning." 


"Tomorrow morning and it's final. I am still your boss Ace, don't let yourself forget that." 

"I won't. We will start searching tomorrow first thing in the morning. Sadly, you will not join us boss. We both know that if he does have her, he wants the both of you."

"I am a second from firing you Ace." I warned, not liking his honest yet true words. 

"Go home before you do anything stupid. I will call you tomorrow if there is any news." 

The line went dead. 

I knew that the night wasn't going to end well. 

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