Chapter 20

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It was 4 pm when I heard loud knockings on the door. I couldn't bother to go down stairs and open it, so I waited for it to stop. Maybe Jane would open it I thought and ignored when the person behind the damn door knocked again. After 3 minutes of knocking I finally got out of bed and walked down stairs. Jane was nowhere to be found. Weird. I opened the door and froze. There he was, my worst nightmare.


Without saying a word he walked past me and got into the house.






This is not happening to me, not now, I thought and slowly turned around, facing my ex.

"What are you doing here Mike?" I asked trying to not show the fear and madness that were controlling my brain.

"What do you mean what are you doing he..."

"What do you want?" I said even louder, cutting him in the middle of his words.

"I want you" He said, lust in his eyes.

I found it very hard to breathe in that moment. Very hard. I knew how he wanted it to end, and I knew that I would do anything to prevent it from happening.

"How did you find me?" I asked while backing away from him, making a plan in my head.

"I will always find you Mer."

"You told me that you don't want me with all of that weight!" I yelled at him and felt disgusted by my own words.

"Well you don't have all of that weight now." He honestly said. I was stopping myself from going out on him. I had to stick to my plan I said over and over again, trying to calm down.

In the matter of seconds I ran up stairs leaving him behind. I heard him running after me but I didn't look back. I didn't have time to look back. Once I was up stairs I ran to my room locking the door quickly and taking my phone that I found on the desk. Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck. I called Kevin but he didn't pick up. I called again but he still didn't pick up. Fuck! I didn't have Jane's phone number either and that just made me freak out even more. The loud kicks on my door got louder and louder, what did he mean to do? Break my door? The next thing I heard were shoutings outside of my room.

"What is going on here? Mari..."

"Open the door or she dies." He yelled now too, with his evil voice.


"You have 10 seconds babe." Open the door Mariah, open the freaking door.

"3, 4, 5, 6..,"

I opened the door. I saw a terrified Jane, I saw him. He was holding a knife to her neck smiling. When he saw me he got in my room still holding the knife in his hands. He didn't even bother to close the door before kissing me roughly. 

I was so disgusted, terrified and sad that tears came out of my eyes. But most of all, I was so mad at myself for being such a coward and kissing him back. He had a knife. He had my life in his hands. The kisses were so forced and nasty and I couldn't believe that I once loved him. He tried to take off my red t-shirt but I stopped him as I put more force in our kiss. The tears began to fall faster. Before he could make another move on me, the kiss suddenly stopped and I saw him on the floor, passed out. Jane was right in front of me, with a pan in her hands. 

At that moment, she became my hero. I wish I could hug her right there, but my stomach intentions were different than my brain ones. I ran to the closet bathroom and threw up. Every single vegetable from the salad that I had was in the toilet and I was regretting listening to Kevin and eating something for breakfast. 

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