Chapter 11

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"I am not marrying you! I am not marrying you." I cried in front of him, again.

"This is not your choice to make Mariana! I am the one who has the power in this relationship, understood!?" He yelled at me while he pushed the white dress closer to my body.

"Wear it now." He said dangerously with gritted teeth.

"No!" I wiped the hot heavy tears and yelled too.

"Don't yell at me Mariana!" He yelled again and pined me to the wall, trapping me with his muscular arms.

"Don't call me Mariana!" I screamed as loud as I could while I slapped him on the chest.

The uncomfortable position that we were in made me lose all of my senses, but I couldn't show him! I had to stay strong!

"I lost my job because of you! I will never marry a mon.."

In the matter of seconds, he crushed his lips on mine, preventing me from speaking. The kiss was hungry with a lot of anger but yet passion. Sudden warmth was spreading all over my body, and I felt good. I felt so fucking good. The kiss felt so right, everything that was on my mind was gone, until he broke the kiss and looked deeply in my eyes. I saw a different emotion in his eyes and I couldn't tell what it was, but at least it wasn't anger or hatred.

"Mariana?" He suddenly asked.

"Why are you still calling me that?" I asked and stopped my tears from falling.

"Mariana?" Ha asked again, a little more annoyed.

"Mariana?" He asked again after I didn't respond.

"What?! What?! What do you want from me? Stop calling me Mariana, Jones, I am really done with your..."

"Wake up!"


"Wake up!"

My eyes fell open, and there I was, on the living room sofa with Jane in front of me. Life is not fair...omg Mariah shut up.

"Are you ok?" She asked me with concerned eyes.

"I am fine, what time is it?" My voice barley came out but somehow she understood and answered:

"It's 3:30 Mariah, are you sure you are ok?"


"I am alright Jane, is Kevin back yet?"

I don't care

I don't care

I don't care

"No, I believe he is still in the club."


"What club?"

This is getting interesting.

"His club. He has many clubs Mariah, didn't he tell you?"

Well obviously not.

"I think he did, I don't remember exactly." I answered, unsure of myself.

She looked at me with suspicious eyes, ops.

"How can you blame me Jane? it's 3:30 in the morning, my brain doesn't really work right now."

This is not getting anywhere.

"Ok, good night Mariah, should I take the pasta to the kitchen?"

She was staring at the pasta on the table with tired eyes. I need to eat it, I will never take risks with this man again, I lost my job because of him, I will not let him take Jane away from me too.

"No it's ok, thank you Jane, good night."

She left after saying good bye and I found myself staring at the dry pasta, trying to understand what is the next step.

I had a dream about him.

He was kissing me in the dream.

I kissed him back,

It felt right.

I have a dream about him and he is in a club with Lucy. I need to stop thinking about him like that, I need him to think that I don't give a fuck about him, that I am not one of his whores. I closed my eyes with a plan in my mind, a plan that might change his plans about our wedding, a plan that might buy me my freedom. Today is going to be an interesting day. 

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