Chapter 3

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"What person in their right mind does not like popcorn?!"

"I never said I didn't like it, I said fuck popcorn if there's pretzels!" Austin laughed as I tried to catch my breath.

"It's not my fault you have trash taste in snacks."

"Oh you think you can just roast me?" Austin put his hand over his heart pretending he was hurt.

"You think you're excluded from getting made fun of just cause you're Post Malone? Think again buddy."

We had been drinking wine and eating snacks for the past 2 hours.

He was surprisingly easy to get along with and we had been joking around and laughing nonstop.

I just met this guy and I felt like I knew him my entire life.

This was probably the best time I've ever had on a date. And who knew it would take place in my own apartment.

I looked down at my pajamas. "I'm probably the worst dressed date you have ever seen."

"Stop it. You look stunning. You looked amazing in scrubs too, I can only imagine the heart attack you'll give me when I see you in regular clothes." Austin smiled.

"Oh so you plan on seeing me in regular clothes?" I teased.

His smile was soon replaced with a serious expression.

"So um, I have to leave tomorrow for work. But I can come back next week when I have some free time. I would really love to see you again Amelia. I had such a great time tonight."

"I would love to see you again too." I shyly smiled.

"Just don't try to cancel on me again." Austin teased.

"Trust me, I definitely won't."

"It's getting kind of late, I should get going. I have an early flight tomorrow. I have to stop home and then take another flight to visit my parents in Texas before I start my shows for the week."

"Another flight?" "Where do you live?" I asked.

"Utah." Austin replied.

"What? You don't live here in New York?" I looked at him in complete shock.

He chuckled. "No I just flew out here to visit Max after I heard he was in the hospital. We've been friends since we were kids and I wanted to check on him."

"Wait so you flew out here tonight just to see me?"

"Yeah." He replied slightly blushing as he looked down avoiding eye contact.

"Wow I feel like an even bigger asshole now." I groaned as I covered my face with my hands.

This man could be anywhere in the world right now and here he is sitting on my couch drinking wine with me.

How could I cancel on him after he made such an effort to see me?

"Hey its okay." "I'm here and I got to see you, that's all that matters." He took my hands in his.

I felt electricity run through me as I felt his soft hands touch mine. What was he doing to me?

"Walk me out?" He said softly to me, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yeah of course." I replied.

"I promise I'll take you on a real date next week." He looked down at me. "The best restaurant in New York."

I smiled at him "You don't have to do that Austin. I had the best time just hanging out with you here."

He pulled me close and gave me a hug goodbye. I took in his intoxicating scent, almost not wanting him to leave.

As I let go, I looked into his eyes and then down to his full lips. It took everything in my power to control myself and not kiss him right there.

He took my hand in his and kissed it.

"I'll text you tomorrow beautiful."

I could feel myself turning red as I nodded to him.

"See you next week."

I watched him walk out of my door and I closed it shut and locked it behind him.

My entire body felt like it was on fire.

No one has ever given me butterflies yet made me feel so calm all at once.

I was smiling so hard my cheeks hurt.

Just as I'm about to walk away from the door, I hear a knock.

"Austin?" I said as I opened the door.

"I usually won't kiss a girl on the first date but I'm not going to see you for another week and I don't think i can wait that long so fuck it."

He grabbed my waist and pulled me close. He pressed his soft lips to mine. I kissed him back and ran my hands through his curls. He ran his tongue against my lips as I let him in. He kissed me passionately as we both fought for dominance.

I felt myself get lost in him, never wanting the kiss to end.

We both tried to catch our breath as we pulled away.

He pressed his forehead against mine.

"I already can't wait for next week." He gave me one last soft kiss and walked away.

I stood there in disbelief, still trying to process what had just happened.

I could already feel him turning my world upside down.

And I was going to let him.

Tell Me That It's All Okay / Post Malone Where stories live. Discover now