Chapter 30

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I laid across the ridiculous new couch Austin had ordered as I scrolled through Netflix on the flat screen mounted in front of me.

"This is absolutely insane! I can't believe you guys are going to be living together Ams. I told you that you would find your way back to each other!" Michelle squealed.

"It's only until he finds a house out here Michelle. It's  temporary. And it doesn't mean anything." I replied, trying to convince her as well as myself.

"Amy! He literally broke up with his girlfriend for you and then asked to move into this expensive ass apartment he bought for you. Can you open your eyes?" She exclaimed with widened eyes.

"He didn't do it for me! I told you, he said she basically didn't want to date someone with a baby on the way so they ended it." I rolled my eyes. "And he's staying here to be close to Ava. Not me."

"He said he was never happy with her! And of course he's doing it for Ava. But I don't think that's his only reason. Believe what you want, but I still think he has feelings for you. Trust me, before you know it, you'll be telling me you guys are back together. Or that you slept with him!" She stuck her tongue out towards me.

If only that could be true, I thought to myself.

I listened to Michelle go on to tell me all about the hot new male nurse that had been transferred onto the unit during my maternity leave.

"So he's been been checking me out every chance he gets and I-"

I suddenly felt a tight pain along my stomach as I heard Michelle's words drown into a blur. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to hide the fact that I was hurting from the radiating pressure and intense cramps I was feeling.

No no no this can't be happening. Not right now. Maybe they were just false contractions?

I gave Michelle a weak smile as I got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. I glanced quickly at the seconds ticking on my watch to time the strong pain that was coursing through my body.

I began to quickly pace around my apartment, hoping it was just false labor and I would be able to walk it off.

"So he finally worked up the courage to-" "Amy what are you doing? Why are you pacing back and forth?" Michelle asked me curiously with a confused expression. "Oh my God are you having contractions?"

I looked up at her hesitantly "I was having a lot of Braxton Hicks recently so I don't think I'm in actual labor. They will probably go away soon." I nervously smiled, trying to convince myself that I wasn't going to give birth to this baby today.

"Well are you timing them? Is walking helping to reduce them?" She questioned as she rushed to my side.

But the more time that went by, the contractions were occurring more often, with each one even stronger than the last. I couldn't deny that it was a strong possibility that I could be in real labor.

I was in the worse physical pain in my entire life. There was no way that it was just false contractions. Even though I so desperately wanted them to be. I wasn't due for another few weeks, but how could I think everything would go according to plan?

I shook my head slowly at Michelle as tears began to quickly pour down my face. "They're only getting worse. I think I need to go to the hospital." I winced in pain, holding onto my stomach as she tried to gather my bag and her car keys.

"Oh my God oh my God okay let's go! We are going to have a baby today!" Michelle exclaimed as she excitedly guided me to the door.

Whether I liked it or not, this baby was coming. Now.

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