Epilogue 2

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Austin was fast asleep as he laid peacefully next to me in our soft California king bed. His lips were parted and his eyes shut as he exhaled shallowed breaths while his arm was wrapped around my naked waist.

I managed to wiggle out of his strong embrace and slowly pull the covers off of him, revealing his perfectly bare body.

He was an absolute work of art to say the least.

I crawled down below his waist, crouching down between legs as I faced his semi hardened length.

I took his member into my mouth, swirling my tongue in soft circles, while I felt him growing by the second.

"Mmm." I heard a low moan escape from his lips as he began to vulnerably stir in his sleep.

I gripped him in my hand, gliding my tongue carefully along his full shaft as I watched him slowly begin to come to his senses.

His eyes squinted open, locking with mine as I sucked gently on the tip.

"Shit Amelia." His morning voice was as raspy as ever, sending a thrill of wetness to my ignited core.

His fingers brushed through my bedhead, as I took him deeper into my mouth.

"Well happy fucking birthday to me, god damn." He mumbled under his breath as I continued to pleasure him.

There was nothing I loved more than pleasing my man and I knew waking him up with an early morning birthday blowjob would give him the best start to his special day.

"Fuck yes." He whispered as he threw his head further into pillow below him, while my tongue rapidly lapped every delicious inch of him.

I sucked harder and faster, earning countless profanities from leaving his mouth as he began to squirm underneath me.

"Just like that baby girl. You know just how I like it." He grunted as his grip in my hair tightened, encouraging me to increased my pace even further.

"Fuck Amelia. I'm close." He somehow managed to say before he groaned deeply while spilling into my mouth.

I swallowed intently, grazing my tongue around his tip as I slowly pulled him out of my mouth.

I licked my lips, slowly crawling onto him, straddling his lap with ease. I leaned my forehead against his, brushing our lips just barely as his tattooed hands roughly squeezed my ass.

"Happy birthday darling." I whispered before gently kissing him.

"Thank you baby." He growled against my mouth as he sat us both up, my arms circling around his neck. "How did I get lucky enough to marry you?"

"I don't know." I shrugged my shoulders upwards. "I wonder the same thing sometimes." I joked, earning an eye roll from my ridiculously attractive husband.

I traced my fingers along his cheek, admiring how he still looked as handsome as ever.

He had acquired a few more face tattoos over the years but he was still as sexy as the day I met him.

"You know I love you birthday boy." I giggled as he gave me a playful spank.

"I love you princess." He replied quietly, his smile fading from his face as I felt him hardening again against my ass.

I swallowed hard knowing I wasn't going to leave our bedroom without getting fucked first.

His eyes remained on mine as he roughly slid into me, filling me with his thick length.

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