Chapter 16

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"Holy shit Doctor Mcdreamy asked you out?! How do you always get the good ones Amy?!" Michelle groaned as she took a bite of her pizza.

"Oh gee thanks Michelle." I rolled my eyes at her as I took a sip of my cherry coke.

"You know what I mean! Leave some attractive men for the rest of us, will you?"

We sat in her kitchen eating dinner and catching up after yet another long day at the hospital.

I knew the second I told Michelle about Jake asking me out, she wouldn't in a million years let me turn him down.

"I don't even think it's a good idea for me to go Michelle. I just got out of a relationship. But he barely gave me a chance to say anything. He just told me to show up and the elevator doors closed. And I don't have his phone number to cancel." I said as I reached for another slice.

"What do you mean cancel? You can't cancel on him! You have to go. He's literally the hottest guy at work. And he wants you! Every girl I know on our floor is after him but he's apparently really shy. He must like you if he asked you out."

"I mean he is really cute, don't get me wrong. But you know I am the worst at dating. I'm going to find some way to screw everything up." "Besides, I don't know if I'm even ready to go out with anyone yet." I replied.

"Honey, I know it's only been a month. But I hate seeing you so sad all the time." "Don't you think you should give someone else a chance? Maybe it'll be good for you. Get your mind off of him?"

I looked down as I picked at my food. It scared me to death to even think about opening up to someone new.

Especially after the pain and heartbreak I always seemed to bring upon myself.

But a part of me hoped that Michelle was right and this would rid my thoughts of Austin.

"Look, it's just coffee. Just go and see what happens. You don't have to marry the guy. It will be good for you to get your mind off everything that has happened last month. You might even enjoy yourself." Michelle joked as she snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah yeah I guess you're right. It's just coffee, I'll go." I sighed.

I knew I had to stop being stubborn and eventually get back out there. I couldn't be sad forever could I?

But I couldn't help but wonder.

Was it possible for someone else to ever make me feel the way that Austin did?


I walked up to the front of Track 5 cafe, opened the door and stepped inside. I looked around for the sight of Jake but I didn't see him anywhere in the small coffee shop.

I picked a table by the window and sat down to wait for him. After a little while of waiting and sitting in boredom, I pulled my phone out of my purse and checked the time.

11:33 am.

I nervously picked at my fingers anticipating his arrival.

Maybe he wasn't going to even show up.

Maybe I should just leave.

Great, I came all the way here just to get stood up.

I quickly texted Michelle.

Me: He's over 30 minutes late. I think I'm going to go home.

Michelle: Bitch don't you dare. You wait for that beautiful man I don't care how late he is.

I rolled my eyes and groaned to myself. I only came so I wouldn't stand him up and I'm the one that's sitting here like an idiot.

I ordered a caramel latte and scrolled through my phone. I was halfway through reading a news article once I heard my name.

"Amy! I'm so sorry I'm late. I got called into work for a consult this morning and lost track of time." I looked up to see Jake walking towards me holding a bouquet of flowers.

"Hey! Its okay I haven't been waiting very long." I replied as I tried to act cool while he sat down across from me.

"I realized I never even asked for your phone number to text you. I felt horrible that I was caught up and had no way to contact you." He looked at me apologetically.

I shyly smiled and handed him my phone "Here, you can put your number in now."

"You look so pretty by the way." He complimented me as he handed me back my phone.

"Thank you that's sweet." I said back to him.

"Oh! I got these for you, I hope you like them." He said he handed me the flowers.

"Jake they're beautiful, thank you." I replied as I set them down next to me.

We made small talk about the hospital and working in the healthcare field. After a little while, my nerves calmed down and I felt more comfortable talking to him.

Jake seemed like a really nice guy with a good head on his shoulders. He was extremely down to earth and was easy to get along with.

He was one of the few doctors that actually seemed to give a shit about the patients, which as a nurse, I admired.

"So what you're telling me is that you love Thai food but you've never been to Thai Villa? Amy It's the best Thai place in the city! Are you sure you've lived in New York all your life?" Jake exclaimed as I took a sip of my coffee.

"Its just so far from my apartment! There's always so much traffic to get to that side of town and I'm super lazy." I laughed at his reaction.

"Oh my God well I have to take you there sometime! The food is to die for and they have the best dessert. Do you like creme brulee?"

I chuckled "Okay, I am so down to go. And yes, actually I love creme brulee. Im obsessed with desserts. And Jake this place better be as good as you are making it out to be! Or I'm going to be one disappointed girl."

"Its a date then. One thing I can promise is that you won't be disappointed." "How about this Saturday night? I can pick you up at 7?" Jake gave me a wide grin.

I hesitated as I opened my mouth to answer him.

Was I really going to do this?

Amy you can't be depressed over Austin for the rest of your life I thought to myself.

"Yeah, it's a date." I looked up at him and smiled.

Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea. Was it?

Tell Me That It's All Okay / Post Malone Where stories live. Discover now