Chapter 34

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Almost instantaneously, the image of Austin flashed in front of my eyes. His deep blue eyes. His unruly curls. His adorable smile.

I immediately pulled away. "Jake I can't."

He gave me a saddened look.

I swallowed hard knowing exactly what Jake wanted. He wanted a second chance.

But of course my thoughts went to Austin. How could they not?

Thanks to him, I couldn't bring myself to be available to any other man, even if I tried.

"Shit Amy I'm sorry. I totally read that wrong." He said with a look of embarrassment.

"Jake it's okay. It's not you. It's just um- it's complicated. With my ex boyfriend and everything." I replied, not wanting to drag Jake into my situation yet again only to hurt him.

Is it that complicated Amy? You and Austin aren't together. Period.

Oh wait you only live with him, have a baby with him, and love him .

I mentally fought with myself as Jake spoke up.

"Is he the reason why things didn't work out between us all those months ago? Because I really did like you Amy. I thought we had a real connection." Jake said with a hint of hurt in his voice.

I rolled my eyes at myself, knowing it wasn't a good idea to get involved with Jake, regardless of my relationship with Austin and whatever it is that we were. Together or not, I wasn't willing to give up hope just yet.

I simply nodded at Jake, feeling a pang of guilt for how abruptly I ended things with him without any real explanation.

"Look Jake, you are such an amazing guy and any girl would be lucky to have you. But I'm just not ready to move on when I still have feelings for him."

"Okay. I guess some things just aren't meant to be." Jake chuckled as he hung his head half defeated. "This ex of yours. He must be really special huh."

I guess Jake didn't see that paparazzi photo of me and Austin, I thought to myself.

"Something like that." I said softly, thinking of how much Austin truly meant to me. "I'm sorry Jake. I should go. Thanks for the ride again I really appreciate it. Good to see you."

"No problem, enjoy your night Amy. Nice seeing you." He said as I exited his car and made my way up the steps to my building.

I couldn't wait to get up to the top floor and reach my apartment, to get home to Ava and Austin.


Austin POV
I heard the loud jingle of Amelia's keys as I held a cranky Ava in my arms who was screaming at the top of her small lungs.

I was attempting to heat up some leftover steak and mashed potatoes for myself in the microwave, warm up a bottle for her on the stove, and get her to stop crying all at once.

I thought I had everything under control but I underestimated how much Ava can actually cry without pausing for a breath.

"Hey super dad." Amelia giggled as she opened the door and let herself in, kicking her shoes off by the entrance. She set down her purse and keys and walked over to me.

God she looked so stunning, like an angel.

She ran her fingers through her long soft hair, pushing it out of her face as she smirked at me struggling to balance multitasking.

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