Chapter 7

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"I hate when you have to leave." I pouted as I hung my head.

Austin and I arrived back at my apartment in New York after our romantic get away in Utah. And it was nothing short of amazing.

I knew that the trip had drastically changed the relationship between me and him as we finally made things intimate.

But as wonderful as it was, we were back to reality: he had to start his new tour.

"I know baby I hate it too. But atleast you'll be able to come and visit me in Europe." He said.

"Yeah but I'm going to spend half the time traveling back and forth and will only get 2 days to spend with you." I frowned.

He was going to be gone for 2 whole months this time. As much as I was excited for him, I was dreading the time apart.

I knew traveling back and forth across the world each week after working 3 days straight at the hospital was going to be the death of me.

So we decided I would only visit him once for this tour.

I just couldn't up and leave my job. I had worked too long and too hard to get where I was.

And what if I left everything behind and it didn't work out between us? I knew I would never forgive myself.

Sometimes a part of me wished we could have a normal relationship without any cons of him being famous, but Austin's success was something I would never wish away from him.

He had worked extremely hard to get where he is and I couldn't be more proud of him.

But it seemed the more our relationship was growing, the more the universe was trying to keep us apart.

"You okay babe?" Austin waved his hand in front of my face.

I knew we had to have a serious talk about our future but I didn't know exactly how to bring it up.

But right now, I just wanted to enjoy our last day together before he catches his flight so I pushed the thoughts out of my mind.

"I'm fine love." I answered as I gave him as soft kiss.

He pulled me on top of him and wrapped his arms around me while placing a quick kiss to my cheek.

I felt his fingers trace my skin and touch the small necklace I was wearing.

He brought it closer and examined it.

It was a gold heart shaped pendant with the cursive letter A in the center.

"This is beautiful." He said. "Where did you get it?"

"My grandma had it made for me when I was a baby. It's probably the only jewelry I wear but its special to me." I chuckled.

"A for Amelia." He smiled.

I touched my necklace and suddenly took it off.

"I want you to take it with you." I looked up at him.

"Amelia no it means too much to you. I-"

"When you wear it, you'll think of me." I smiled up at him and put it on him.

"I was going to think of you every second anyway."

I stared up at him and wondered what I did to deserve the perfect man laying in front of me.

I put my head on his chest and listened to his steady heartbeat.

"I have a question."

I picked my head up to face him. "What is it?"

"How do you feel about being public about our relationship? I mean so far we've gotten away with not being noticed but is that something you are comfortable with?" Austin asked me as he held his breath.

I honestly hadn't thought about it.

But the thought of the entire world knowing who I was was alot to take in. I knew I would be labeled as "Post Malone's girlfriend" and I knew there would be substantial amount of hate I would receive.

"I think I want to keep things private for right now if that okay with you."

"Yeah of course. Whenever you are ready." He gave me a reassuring smile.


I woke up to an empty bed as I looked around my dark bedroom.

I checked the time on my phone.

3:37 am

I groaned knowing I had to get up to drive Austin to the airport.

I wondered where he was and as I made my way to the bathroom I heard him talking on the phone in my kitchen.

"Yeah I'm leaving to the airport soon Dre. I should land around noon." "No I don't need a ride, Amelia will drop me off."

I heard silence as Austin listened to his manager on the other line.

"I know. I wish things were different. I hate this long distance shit man, it's so hard being away from her." "Everything would be so much easier if she could come with me."

I closed my eyes and hung my head. I knew I shouldn't eavesdrop anymore so I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

He sounded so sad as he spoke about us.

I knew his girlfriends in the past have always been able to go on tour with him and every part of me felt guilty for not being able to do the same.

I just wanted a happily ever after with him. But how was that possible when we spent so much time separated?

I got out of the shower, dried off and pulled on jeans and a sweatshirt. I walked to the living room to see Austin sitting on my couch scrolling on his phone.

"Hey I was going to wake you and then I heard the shower turn on." "I made you a cup of coffee."

"Thanks babe."

I took a sip as I took a seat next to Austin.

He pulled me into his lap and held me close and we sat in silence. Just enjoying the last of each other's company.

After a while he let go of me "You ready to go?"

I gave him a small smile and nodded as I tried to fight the tears from my eyes and hope he wouldn't notice.

I couldn't help but feel I was only hurting him by staying in this relationship.

Tell Me That It's All Okay / Post Malone Where stories live. Discover now