Chapter 6

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I woke up still naked under the covers of the warm bed with Austin's arm wrapped around my waist.

I took a minute to enjoy the peaceful moment of just us tangled in the sheets together.

I picked up his tattooed hand and gave it a few kisses. I entangled our fingers as I scrolled on my phone with my other hand.

I opened my chat with Michelle and quickly sent her a message.

Me: Kinda sorta laying here naked with Austin

Michelle: Holy shit seriously

Me: Yes!

Michelle: How was it????

Me: Heavenly

Michelle: So happy for you! A bitch finally got laid.

I rolled my eyes and smiled to myself as I locked my phone.

I tried to wiggle out from Austin's strong grip but that only resulted in him pulling me closer to him as I felt my back touch against his chest.

"Where are you going?" He groaned still half asleep.

"To take a shower." I giggled at his groggy morning voice.

"No Amelia stay here with me. I don't have you for much longer and I don't want to spend a second of what's left of it without you."

My heart sped up as he spilled his sweet words to me. No matter how much time I spent with him, I never got used to it.

It's like he knew exactly what to say to make me melt.

And the way he called me by my full name completely made me weak in the knees for him. Maybe it was because no one else called me Amelia. Or maybe it was how beautiful he made it sound the way it rolled off his tongue.

My thoughts went back to last night and suddenly my whole body felt numb. I replayed each moment in my head.

I couldn't believe last night had actually happened.

I was thankful I didn't say those 3 little words I so desperately wanted to spill out to him.

I would have only made myself look like a cliche by confessing my love seconds after we slept together.

Austin pulled me back to reality as he trailed his fingers down my thigh. He kissed the side of my neck down to my shoulder as he brought his hand back up and ran his fingers over my nipples.

"C'mon let's take a shower together." He said into my ear.


I sat comfortably on his couch in his Bud Light t shirt that was way too big for me finishing up the Chinese takeout we ordered for dinner.

"Come here I wanna show you something." Austin pulled me up by my hands.

He brought me into a room I hadn't seen yet since I arrived.

There were guitars everywhere. Hanging from each of the fours walls in every color you could imagine.

I looked around in complete awe.

"Wow these are all yours?"

"Yeah I've been collecting them for quite some time. I'm pretty proud of how many I actually have in here."

I felt him wrap his arms around me from behind as I continued to admire the room.

He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before he let me go.

"I've been working on this song. It's a little different than my usual stuff. I wanna know what you think." He looked at me as he grabbed a guitar off of the wall.

I nodded my head towards him. "Of course babe I'd love to hear it."

He gave me his signature smile as he started to string the guitar.

"It's true
That all that you know is all that you are
You said that it's all that you want and more
Fuck off and pour another drink
And tell me what you think
You know that I'm too drunk to talk right now
You put your cigarette out on my face
So beautiful, please, woman

Don't break your back for me
I'll put you out of your misery

Tell me that it's all okay
I've been waitin' on this all damn day
Call me in the mornin', tell me how last night went
I'm here, but don't count on me to stay."

"Holy fuck Austin that was probably the most beautiful thing I've ever heard." I exclaimed.

I saw his cheeks turning pink as he looked up at me with those blue eyes.

"You really think so?" "I think it sounds dope but its not really the type of music I usually put out there." "I dont know if my fans would go for it." He sighed as he put the guitar down.

I walked over to him and straddled his lap. I took his face in my hands.

"I'm serious." "You are such a talented artist, you can create whatever type of music you want and your fans will still listen because you put your heart into it. That's all the matters."

"What did I do to deserve a girl like you?"

"I'm pretty fucking amazing I know." I laughed.

"Oh really? Why dont you show me exactly how amazing you are?" He teased as he picked me up and carried me up the stairs to his room.

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