Chapter 22

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I sat in the corner of my bedroom with my legs folded in a crisscross position. I was trying to make sense of the directions on the piece of paper while attempting to put together the crib I had bought earlier that day.

I rolled my eyes, as I had no idea what I was doing, and neither did I have the patience to figure it out.

I smiled to myself and placed my hand on my stomach as I felt the baby kicking.

I heard a loud knock at the door, which forced me to get up from sitting on the floor. I groaned with a slight annoyance and slowly made my way to the living room.

I glanced at the time.

11:37 pm.

I took a quick look in the mirror as I walked past it. I wasn't expecting anyone and I thought Michelle was at work.

I wore a loose Sublime band t shirt with pajama shorts and my wavy hair was thrown carelessly into a messy bun at the top of my head. I rolled my eyes at my disheveled appearance and unlocked my door, wondering who could be at my apartment at this hour of the night.

I froze as I instantly locked eyes with the person standing in the doorway, towering over me while I went into complete and utter shock.

My body felt heavy, my head started to spin and I felt my skin flush from head to toe. My breathing became shallow and I felt my heart hammering rapidly in my chest.

I almost pinched myself just to make sure I wasn't daydreaming. I slowly blinked, feeling as though everything was moving in slow motion all of a sudden.

"Austin." I managed to breath out when I finally found my ability to speak.

"Hey you." He replied softly with a small smile forming on his face.

"Hey." I said in an almost inaudible whisper, trying to keep my entire body from visibly shaking.

It felt like time was standing still as we stood there hypnotically staring at each other. I prayed he didn't hear my heart pounding loudly as I looked up into the deep ocean eyes I had missed so dearly.

Four long months had past since I've seen him. Four painful heartbreaking lonely long months.

The seconds felt like years before I decided to finally break the deafening silence between us.

"Um, c-come in. How are you?" I gestured to the couch for him to sit as I awkwardly attempted to make small talk. He slowly walked over and sat down, without taking his eyes off of me for even a second. My heart was racing a mile a minute as I took in the breathtaking sight in front of me.

He wore a white button down shirt with a black tie, black dress pants, and expensive looking shoes. His curls were short and defined and his beard was neatly groomed. He looked good.

I didn't think it was possible for me to be more attracted to this man. But here he was, looking more handsome than ever.

 But here he was, looking more handsome than ever

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