Chapter 48

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I was sleeping soundly on my side, comfortably wrapped up in the warmth of the blanket until I felt a slight movement in the bed behind me.

My eyes fluttered open and I quickly glanced over at the alarm clock sitting on the bedside table.

3:27 am

I stretched and blinked my eyes a few more times trying my best to adjust to the darkness of the quiet room.

I felt Austin's strong arm slip over my stomach and pull me close, my naked back hitting his bare chest.

He then moved my hair away out of the way and placed a soft kiss on the side of my neck.

"You awake babe?" He mumbled quietly, running his fingertips along my warm skin.

His growing erection was pressed into my ass as I couldn't help the sleepy smile from forming at my lips

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His growing erection was pressed into my ass as I couldn't help the sleepy smile from forming at my lips.

I knew exactly what he was getting at.

And I was definitely going to give it to him.

"Yeah." I managed to breath out just before he moved my leg, gaining access to the part of me he wanted most.

"Good. Cause I can't get enough of you." He whispered into my ear, sending a rush of emotions to my already aching core.

I felt him slide his tip against my slit and start to slowly push himself inside of me. I gasped, savoring each and every inch of him until he completely filled me up.

"Fuck." I moaned out, gripping tightly onto the sheets underneath me. I heard a low growl escape his mouth as he grabbed onto my waist and started to thrust.

"Yes oh my god." I squeezed my eyes shut as he continued to own me from behind.

As mind blowing as it was, the sex was different than it was just hours before. He was different.

He wasn't being dominating or rough.

Even though that was how we both liked it most of the time.

But instead he was slow and intimate.

He kissed behind my ear as he slipped in and out of me, earning the nonstop whimpering from my mouth.

I couldn't stay quiet even if I wanted to as he continuously hit my g-spot each time he moved his hips back and forth. I arched my back and pushed my ass up against him, increasing the pleasure with each and every stroke.

"R-right there." I helplessly whined as he just barely sped up his movements.

His hand slid down my stomach, between my thighs, until they reached the nub of swollen nerves that were begging for his touch.

He sensually rubbed my clit with his fingers as my screams became louder and louder with each motion.

I felt my orgasm slowly building up as I desperately clawed onto the bedsheets before I completely lost whatever ounce of sanity I had left in me.

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