Chapter 52

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"C'mon let me show you upstairs." Austin whispered, breaking me out of my deep thoughts as I cuddled up to his chest.

I managed to peel myself away from him and adjusted Ava who was sitting comfortably at my hip.

Austin took my hand in his and pulled me up from the couch. He led us up the marble staircase while I gawked at the incredible surrounding, stunned at how much work and effort he had put into it. It was the perfect mix of both of our personalities. Simple yet modern. Although Austin's expensive taste definitely left its impression in each part of house. It was beyond lavish to say the least.

He brought us to the first door when we reached the top of the stairs and gave me a small smile before turning the knob, revealing Ava's room.

Her nursery was absolutely adorable, decorated with a princess theme, hues of baby pink throughout the room. There was a huge window, bringing in the sunlight, and brightening up the room even more.

A crib sat against the wall with a golden letter A above it. There was a white rocking chair along side the crib, with a changing table behind it.

On the night table was a picture frame with a photo of me in the hospital holding Ava just after she was born, with Austin by my side gazing down at us.

"Ava! Honey look at your new room! Do you love it?" I cooed as she looked up at me and squealed. I kissed her cheek as I walked around the nursery, admiring all of stuffed toys and trinkets Austin had bought for her, that were scattered throughout the room.

"I think she likes it." Austin chuckled as he came up behind me and placed his hands on my hips.

"It's amazing babe, you really outdid yourself."

"Only the best for my little princess." He replied, kissing Ava's forehead.

"Are you ready to see our room?" He asked with a wide smiling creeping onto his handsome face.

"Wait you mean I have to share a room with you?" I groaned sarcastically, earning a quick scowl from him.

"You can share a room with Ava if that's what you really want. But who are you kidding Amelia? You can barely keep your hands off me! We both know where you'll be sleeping." Austin quickly fired back with a grin.

"Is that what you think?" I snickered. "Please. I can barely stand your ass." I joked.

"Oh yeah? So you won't be crawling into the bed with me at 2 am like you did in Utah?" He wickedly smirked. 

"And to think, I wasn't even fucking you back then." He whispered before giving me a wink.

I rolled my eyes towards him for the tenth time that day and laughed before he cut me off by pressing his pink lips against mine.

"Let's go babe." He said as took Ava from my arms and grabbed my hand. He walked us though the huge hallway until we reached the door of our new bedroom. He swung the door open and I was instantly shocked with pure amazement.

The king sized bed sat on one side of the room with a night table on each side. A beautiful chandelier hung above the bed, illuminating its light throughout the space. There was a huge couch along with a white make up vanity which I presumed was just for me.

I stood in front of Austin who waited patiently for my response. "Baby it's perfect."  I finally let out as he placed his hand at the small of my back.

My eyes shifted to curtains that were blowing from the breeze of the cool outside air.

"Is that-" I began as I looked up to meet Austin's gaze.

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