Chapter 35

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Amelia POV

"Helllloo, Austin?" I said as I waved the cold Bud Light in front of his face while he stared up at me, seemingly locked into some sort of daydream.

He gazed up at me with a look in his eyes that was all too familiar. As if I was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

And with all of my heart and all of my soul, I wanted to trust that look.

I wanted to believe that he was looking at me like I was the best thing he had ever laid his eyes on.

The funny thing was, he constantly looked at me like that.

And every day that passed, it only intensified.

I fought hard to resist the urge of climbing onto his lap and drowning myself into his lips.

He pulled me out of my thoughts as he took the icy beer from my nearly frozen fingers.

"Uh- sorry. Thanks Amelia. Come here, sit down." He said, patting the couch next to him. He picked up the TV remote and clicked away until he found something to watch.

I sank down on the sofa next to him and let out a long sigh, slightly annoyed at Jake for giving Austin the impression that something was going on between us.

The last thing I wanted was for Austin to think I had someone else.

"So will you let Matt go with you next time you decide to go out?" Austin teased looking over at me.

"Yeah yeah I fucked up. Next time I'll listen to you instead of getting myself in sticky situations." I laughed as Austin flashed me a grin before he settled on a re-run episode of Friends.

"Amelia I'm always right. When will you just accept it?"

"I will never accept it Austin!" I chuckled.

I groaned stretching out my sore feet onto the huge couch, that were aching from the heels I had worn earlier that night.

"What's wrong?" Austin asked as he looked over to me sipping his beer.

"My feet are killing me from those stupid shoes. I haven't worn them since before I was pregnant and they hurt more than I remembered. I don't even know why I ever bought them." I chuckled.

"I'll rub them for you." Austin offered as he set his Bud Light down on the table next to him and stretched his hands out.

I laughed loudly as the mix of mojitos and beer were getting to my head. "Austin no. I know you too fucking well! You are just going to try to tickle my feet."

"Amelia I solemnly swear to you I won't tickle your feet. C'mon you don't trust me?" He smirked as he reached over and grabbed my legs to bring them onto his lap.

"Okay fine. I trust you." I replied softly, earning a smile from him.

My heart raced as I felt the tender goosebumps forming under his warm touch.

I rolled my eyes back only slightly as I suddenly relaxed at the feeling of his strong fingers massaging the soles of my feet. I laid back and enjoyed the sense of relief he was giving me.

"How does that feel?" He softly asked in a raspy voice, giving me chills as he spoke.

I have other things you can rub, I thought to myself.

"So good. How are you so good at that?" I sighed with a smile on my face, suddenly feeling too relaxed.

"Guess you're not the only one with the magic touch." He smirked at me.

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