Chapter 44

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"You and Ava sleep here in the master bed room and I'll take the guest room." Austin said to me as we were getting ready to go to sleep after our extremely long day.

"Austin no. You've been sleeping on that damn couch for months. It's not fair to you. Please I don't want the master bed room." I pleaded, refusing to take his room away from him. He had a soft king size bed that hadn't been slept in since Ava was born.

"Are you sure? I really don't mind. I want you to be comfortable." He questioned.

"I'm positive." I replied firmly as I changed Ava into her little pajamas after her bath.

"Goodnight Ava. Sweet dreams darling. Daddy loves you so much." Austin whispered as he picked her up from his bed and kissed her forehead.

"I'll see you in the morning?" I asked as I took Ava from Austin's arms.

He nodded at me. "Goodnight." He said before pulling me into his chest.

"Goodnight Austin." I replied. As he let go of me, he placed a soft kiss on my forehead, making me wish it was my lips instead. I turned away to leave as I heard his voice.



"If you can't sleep, you know where to find me." He gave me a serious look, though he had a hopeful glimmer in his dark blue eyes.

I simply nodded at him, I was focused on my heart that was too busy racing for me to find the words to answer.

I smiled to myself as I walked out towards the guest bedroom and placed Ava into the baby sleeper.

I changed into a t shirt and crawled under the fluffy comforter.

I let out a dramatic sigh to myself as I began to unwind and forget about the drama with Beth.

I pulled out my phone and scrolled through Instagram, which I had recently started using again.

I clicked on the the explore page tab when I did a double take at the screen. I instantly recognized my own face in a candid photo with Austin who was holding Ava in her carseat. The caption read Secret baby confirmed. Post Malone spotted in Salt Lake City with girlfriend and daughter!

Though we had decided Austin would neither confirm nor deny anything about Ava, we knew that the public wasn't stupid. They knew exactly who Ava was. And there wasn't much we could do about it. Her father was one of the most famous recording artists across the world. We couldn't hide her from the public forever.

Austin warned me to avoid reading any comments but I couldn't help it. My finger hovered over the screen and clicked to reveal them.

"His girlfriend is so beautiful omg."

"She's stunning, they make a cute couple."

"They're an adorable family. She's gorgeous and the baby is so cute."

"Are they together? Or does he just feel sorry for her?"

"Wow he could do so much better. I already hate her."

"He's too attractive for her."

"What happened to the other girl he was dating?"

"The baby is cute but she isn't."

I rolled my eyes, trying not to let any of the negative comments get under my skin. But it honestly was hard when me and Austin weren't even officially together and strangers on the internet were bashing me.

Tell Me That It's All Okay / Post Malone Where stories live. Discover now