Chapter 54

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"Fuck I'm so tired. You wore me out babe."

Austin sighed as he pulled out of me for the third time that night and collapsed on top of me. He quickly adjusted himself, careful not to crush me.

"I can't help it, I missed you." I shrugged with a lazy smile on my face as I wrapped my arms around him.

We had finally made it to the bedroom after I first showed him just how much I missed him in the living room and on the kitchen counter.

"I missed you more angel." He hummed before placing a kiss just above my belly button, his lips never failing to make me shiver underneath him.

He laid his head comfortably on my stomach while I raked my fingers through his short curls. He let out a satisfied groan as he nuzzled himself even closer to me.

"You got a haircut." I croaked, my voice much too hoarse from all of my cries of passion.

Austin shifted slightly as he moved his head up to look up at me.

"You like it?"

"Less for me to pull on." I smirked. "But you look handsome." I added before I blew him a quick kiss.

"Gotta look good for the ladies." He winked as I rolled my eyes at him and attempted to squirm from underneath him.

"Okay get off me Austin!" I half heartedly joked.

"Babe c'mon I'm kidding! You know the only two ladies are I care about are you and Ava." He laughed as he grabbed my sides and held me firmly in place.

"Yeah yeah whatever." I teased back at him as he attempted to sway me with kisses on my neck.

"Speaking of my little princess, she's been awfully quiet. She hasn't woken up once. I'm gonna go check on her." Austin said as he moved to get off of me.

I quickly grabbed his arm, earning a look of confusion from him.

"She's not here. She's with my parents." I mumbled, slightly embarrassed as it dawned on Austin that I had dropped her off to be alone with him. He quickly bursted out with a fit of laughs as I rolled my eyes.

"What? Are you telling me you dropped our daughter off so I could fuck you all night long?" He asked as he tried to contain himself.

"You didn't even realize she wasn't here until a minute ago." I answered, trying to refrain from laughing myself as I poked his chest.

"Well I was a little busy making you cum Amelia." Austin said as he caught his breath. "You are something else."

"Austin don't make fun of me, I just wanted some alone time with you." I huffed as I pouted my lips slightly.

"Aw babygirl, come here." Austin pulled me to his chest and titled my head up so he was looking me in the eye.

"Tonight was amazing. I'm glad I have you to myself for a little while." He mumbled before softly kissing my lips.

I felt the softness of his fingers trace the small of my back as I let out a satisfied sigh. I felt so at ease as a sense of calmness took over me.

I listened as his heart beat pounded steadily into my ear. I looked up to see his eyes closed and a content look spread across his face. I felt more than lucky to be the reason he was so happy lately. I laid my head back onto his chest and decided to get some rest.

"Amelia?" Austin's voice stopped me from dozing off.

"Yeah babe?" I asked sleepily, opening my eyes to meet his.

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