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(Ashley p.o.v)

Erick: I love ice cream

Ashley: Erick from CNCO said the same thing on his Instagram.

Erick: Good for him.

Ashley: Why are you texting me? I don't know you at all.

Erick: Cuz you seem chill. Te doy poquita información. Tengo 17.
Viajó bastantito pero vivo en Miami, Florida. Me encanta la musica.

Ashley: I'm 17. I also live in Miami, Florida. I've never traveled. I also love music. I'm really shy and non social.

Erick: Now we know each other a little more.

Ashley: We do

Erick: Why you being so dry?

Ashley: Just been going thru some stuff rn. I don't really wanna talk about it.

Erick: Be strong

Ashley: Maybe you can send me a picture to get my mind off things.

Erick: No puedo pero a la mejor tu me puedes mandar una desnuda...?

Ahsley: Wooww!! A f**kboy and a perv. Lucky me!!

Erick: Jk. Pero enserio no te puedo mandar una.

Ashley: Why not?

Erick: Not now

Ashley: Well then?

Erick: Soon. Pero tal vez me mandas una foto tuya?

Ashley: Only one. I'll send you another one when you send me one.

Erick: Deal

Ashley: *picture*

Erick: Ay mami. Estas bien hermosa.

Ashley: How sweet of you.

Erick: Una mas

Ashley: Nope, not until I get one.

Erick: Fine.

Texting Him [ Erick Brian Colón ]Where stories live. Discover now