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(Ashley p.o.v)

Ashley: ANGIIIEEE!!!!!

Angie: Yes best friend?

Ashley: I hate you!! Why!?!

Angie: Why what? I have no idea what you're talking about.

Ashley: My f**king blind date that's why!!!

Angie: Did you have fun?

Ashley: It was the opposite of f**king fun!!! He was mean, rude, jerk, f**king douche bag, and nasty!!!!!!!!!

Angie: Now now Ashley, that wasn't very nice.

Ashley: F**k you!!! That jerk named Nick was talking sexual to me throughout the whole f**king dinner!! Calling me mean names!! Putting his nasty ass feet by my food!!! GRABBED FOOD OFF OF MY PLATE!!!! Called me fat!!! Made me pay for the food!! Was talking to other b**ches while out with me!! Not to mention, he made me f**king walk home!!!!! My phone died so I had no one to call to pick me up! I walked 6 f**king miles Angie!!!!!!

Angie: Wow. I told him to be rude and a bit mean but not all of that. I'm sorry Ashley. I'll come over with junk food and your favorite smoothie.

Ashley: Oh you better do more than that you f**king b**ch!!!

Angie: Love you too hoe!!

She thinks my favorite junk foods and smoothie will make me feel better? She's got another thing coming...

After my warm shower I decided to play a prank on her. I'm good with makeup so I used my skills and made it look like I got shot on my shoulder and stomach.

A big long cut on my leg and on my head. I poured blood all over the floor, around me, and some one me and over my face.

I took a look the myself and the scene and it looked pretty freaking real. Angie could be here any minute so I lied down a just waited.

A few minutes later there was a knock.

Then another

And another

Angie decided to open the door. I close my eyes as soon as I heard her footsteps coming my way.

"OMG!!! ASHLEY!!!!" I felt her grab me and pulled me to her lap while crying her eyes out.

She grabbed her phone while mumbling that she needed help. Right when she was about to dial, I opened my eyes and yelled, "BOO!!!"

She threw her phone back and screamed. I couldn't stop laughing. I was literally crying from laughing to hard.

"Ugh!! You f**king b**ch!!! How could you scare me like that?!!!" She said gettinf up from the floor.

"Payback for that f**king blind date!"

"Okay, I deserve it!" She said laughing a bit.

Then an idea hit me. "Let's scare Erick!"

She turned around with a big grin on her face.

Texting Him [ Erick Brian Colón ]Where stories live. Discover now