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(Erick p.o.v)

I'm gonna be honest, I hate just being friends with her. Me gusta mas que una amiga.

Us being friends also means that she can talk,go out, and f**k any guy she wants!! Nomas pensando en eso me hace enojar.

You're probably thinking, 'Well that means you can do the same.' Well, NO. I messed up and I realized that.

It doesn't mean that I'm going to do what I did to mess up my relationship with her. I can't look at a chick or f**k one because all I can see is HER.

All I can think of is HER.

I freaking miss HER.

If she thinks I'm gonna let it go and give up on her, then she's got another thing coming.

I'm not going to lose what made me happy. I will get my baby back. I'll do whatever it takes.

(Ashley p.o.v)

I didn't wanna do it but I had to. I couldn't take him back and forgive him just like that. It's just gonna make him think that it's okay to do it again.

He has no idea how much it freaking hurts. He doesn't know how many tears I've shed for him.

I didn't want to let him go.

Knowing that he may have a girl there with him crushes me.

I told him I just want to be friends. He seemed okay with it, but then again, it was always hard for me to read him.

He was good at hiding his feelings.

And I'm getting better with mine.

Joel, Richard, and Zabdiel apologized to me, Christopher, and HIM.

And of course being the nice person I am, I accepted them. I even accepted Christopher's apologies.

But it's hard for me to accept Erick's. Me and the guys still hang out. It's only been a week since me and Erick broke up.

Angie thinks I should get back with him. Give him another chance. Everyone deserves a second chance. I just don't know if I can do that.

So, Angie said if I don't give him another chance, she's going to set me up for a blind date tonight.

I agreed to go if pizza was involved. I needed to get my mind off HIM if I was going to go out with some other guy.

Angie said she knows the dude. She also said he was sweet.

I just want to get this over with.

I looked down at my phone while I finished getting ready for the blind date.

Erick had sent a text.

Erick: I heard you're going on a date. A blind date. Nomas quiero decir que no apruebo.

Ashley: Who told you? I don't care if you approve or not.

Erick: Angie y Christopher. Por favor no vayas. Come over and we'll talk about us.

Ashley: There's no us anymore.

Erick: I know what I did, okay? You have no idea how freaking sorry I am.

Ashley: I'm not coming over.

Erick: Sabés que a mi no me gusta rogar. Pero por ti hago lo que sea.

Ashley: I've gotta go. My date is waiting for me at the door.

Erick: ASHLEYYY!!!!

Texting Him [ Erick Brian Colón ]Where stories live. Discover now