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(Ashley p.o.v)

Tonight was my date with Erick. I've known him for a while now so like I don't know why I'm so nervous.

I've been hanging out with Charlie for the past few days. He's super funny and really sweet. It's nice to have someone else to talk to besides Angie.

I never really tell Erick what's on my mind. He's not the kind of person to talk about feelings with. Christopher canceled our hangout because he went to visit his family and still isn't back. I honestly didn't know he had family.

He never talks about them. Neither do I. Just the thought of it makes me want to cry.

I decided to text Erick since I finished getting ready early and still had 30 minutes before he comes to pick me up.

Ashley: I'm going to be honest and say that I'm freaking nervous.

Erick: Haha yo también

Ashley: Can you please tell me what you have to tell me now?

Erick: NO.

Ashley: This anxiety is killing me!!

Erick: Ya voy por ti mami

A few minutes later I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and saw Erick looking reeaalll gooooodd. He cut his hair! He was wearing a suit. I've never seen him wear one.

"You look so handsome!" I said walking towards him to give him a kiss. "Y tu bien se- I mean bien hermosa!" I smiled at how nervous he was.

"Shall we go?" He put his hand in front of mine. "We shall!" I said taking his hand. I grabbed my purse and locked the door behind me.

About 15 minutes later we arrived at a really fancy restaurant. He even had the whole place rented out for the night. Throughout the whole night we talked, laughed, and learned more about each other.

After dinner and dessert I finally asked him.

"Going to tell me now?" He shook his head and smiled. "Bien desesperada, amor. Apenas te iba a decir."

He grabbed my hand from across the table. I couldn't help but feel more nervous than ever. Let this be good, I thought.

"We've known each other for a while now. Nunca pensé que yo mandando un mensaje al número equivocado me iba a encontrar contigo. Me encanta todo lo que haces. Im gonna make this short before my ass chickens out. Ashley, te amo bastante y te he amado por un rato."

I was stunned but happy at the same time. He loves me? He freaking loves me?!!

"I love you too Erick and I have for a while now but I couldn't bring to admit it to myself." I confessed.

He got up and walked towards me with a big grin on his face. He pulled me up from my chair and hugged me so tightly that I almost couldn't breathe. He pulled away then we kissed.

He pulled out a couple hundreds from his wallet and put them on the table. "Vámonos mami!"

We went to his house and I knew where this was going and I didn't mind one bit. I wanted it as much as he wanted it.

He pulled me up stairs into his room and locked the door.

"No hay nadien pero porsía caso llega alguien." He walked towards me with THAT look. The look saying 'I want you and I can't wait any longer!'

"Ya no me puedo esperar mami!"

You know what happened next.

***Few Days Later***

(Ashley p.o.v)

I am currently hanging out with Charlie right now. We're eating ice cream and wating a movie at my place.

I haven't really hung out with Angie lately. She got a new boyfriend so she's been hanging out with him. But honestly it's okay because Charlie is a great friend and it's good to hang out with someone new.

After the movie I was all out of laughs and I had eaten half of my ice cream.

"I had fun." Charlie said. "Me too." I smiled.

I put the ice creams away and put the spoons in the sink. I walked Charlie to the door.

He was leaving because I told him I had work I the morning and it was already late. I opened the door and moved out of the way so Charlie could walk out.

"Can I do something real quick that I've been wanting to do since I saw you at the café?" He asked. "That depends on wha-" he cut me off and kissed me. I pushed him off as soon as I realized that he was kissing me.

Nothing. I literally felt nothing. "Y-you can't do that. Y-you k-know I have a b-boyfriend!" I said. "I'm starting to not believe you. You never mention him or say his name. Are you sure you even have a f**king boyfriend? If you don't, be with me. I like you and I know you like me!" He said.

"Yes I'm sure I have a f**king boyfriend! And i don't like you like that!" I yelled at him. He was about to kiss me again but I put my hand on his chest to stop him. "Leave!"

"Think about it." He said and walked out. I slammed the door closed and locked it. I had to tell someone. I grabbed my phone and saw that I got a text from Christopher. The person I was just about to text.

Christopher: Ayyyee Ashley. I wanted to talk to you about Erick's birthday. I want to thtow a surprise birthday party for him. He's never had one in his life and I don't know if it will be weird since he'll be turning 18. But text me back as soon as you see this. :)

Ashley: Sounds good! I'll totally help you and the boys with that! But I need to talk to you about something right now. It would be easier to say through text.

Christopher: Que pasa Ashley?

Ashley: Okay so I made a friend about a month ago. A guy friend. He knew I had a boyfriend and we were doing good....

Christopher: No me esta gustando esto Ashley....

Ashley: He was over at mine tonight and we were watching a movie while eating ice cream. Everything was okay until he was about to leave.

Christopher: Oh no.....

Ashley: And he kissed me! He f**king kissed me!! I swear I pushed him away as soon as I realized what he was doing and I went off on him. He told me to think about it but no! My heart is set on Erick, Christopher! You're the only person I could tell right now.

Christopher: FCK! I can't keep this from him, y/n! Tu le necesitas que decir!

Ashley: I will but I just feel like he won't believe me.

Christopher: El te quiere Ashley! Si te va creer. Pero dile!

Ashley: I'll tell him after work. I promise. I'll stop by.

Christopher: Aquí voy a estar para lo que necesites.

Ashley: Thanks Christopher. Goodnight.

Christopher: Goodnight Ashley.

Texting Him [ Erick Brian Colón ]Where stories live. Discover now