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(Ashley p.o.v)

"These past days without talking or seeing you sucked. Perdoname por lo que dije. I didn't mean anything I said. I just wanted you to be happy. Pensé que estando conmigo lo arruinará. Perdoname Ashley." He said slurring his words.

I wanted to forgive him. I wanted everything to be okay right then and there but it's not that easy.

"Erick-" He cuts me off. Por favor no digas algo que me quiebre mas el corazón."

Wow! Do I really mean that much to him?

"I forgive you Erick. Don't ever push me away like that again. You have no idea how much it hurt." I said.

"Trust me, I know.  I felt your pain." He said.

He had trouble standing up but he did. He turned to face me and held out his hand. I got up without grabbing it. If I had let him pull me up we both would've been on the floor.

He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a long hug. "You mean so much to me already Ashley." He whispered in my ear.

I got goosebumps and got a warm funny feeling.

He pulled away and put his hands on the sides of my face. He looked at my eyes, then my lips, then back to my eyes.

I knew what he was thinking and yes I wanted him to do it.

"I want to show you a piece of how much you mean to me. Quiero ir despacio contigo. Quiero que dures mami." He said.

And with that he kissed me. Not rough like I thought he would but gently.

Omg I thought to myself. There goes that warm feeling again. I never wanted this to stop. A piece?! Damn just give me the whole thing!!

I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him for more but he backed away.

"Wow! Just wow!" He said.

I blushed at his comment.

"I-Im sorry. I had to stop before it went too far. No quiero arruinar esto entre nosotros." He said.

"What thing?" I asked stupidly even though I knew what he meant.

"Quiero estar contigo Ashley. Quiero hacerte mía para que nadien te tenga. Im just scared of commitment." He said upset.

I grabbed his face and made him look at me. "Open Erick." He opened his eyes.

"Don't be scared. I'm here. We can do this! You're not doing this alone. We are doing it together. This will be tough on us, especially you, but I'll be patient." I said.

I pecked him on the lips.

"I suddenly feel sober." He said.

"Here, let's go get you some water."

I walked to the kitchen. I came back and saw him asleep on the couch.
Wow that was fast.

No way I was gonna let him sleep on the couch. I had rooms he could sleep in. But I wanted him to sleep next to me.

I started waking him up.

"Erick, wake up." He sat up slowly and I handed him the water to drink.

I helped him upstairs a bit. I also helped him take off his clothes except his underwear.

I laid him down and covered him up. I did the same and we both drifted into deep sleep.

***Next day***

(Ashley p.o.v)

I woke up and Erick was playing with my hair while singing one of his songs quietly. I was laying on his chest with my head facing down so he couldn't see me smiling.

I decided to let him sing the song until he finished and then I looked at him. "I hope I didn't wake you up mami." He said while still playing with my hair. Which I freaking loved. It felt so good and soothing.

"No, not at all. I love waking up to you singing one of your songs while playing with my hair." I confessed.

"Maybe we'll have more of those." He said kissing my forehead. I don't think I've ever seen Erick so sweet...I love this side of him.

Then I remembered, we kissed last night. I wonder if he remembers.

I sat up and turned to face him. "Do you remember last night?"

He sat up and faced me. "I do. Most of it. I remember leaving my house and somehow getting here. Me acuerdo que te dije como me siento y besando te, pero eso es todo." He said.

I couldn't wait any longer I had to ask him. "E-Erick what a-are w-we?"

He sighed and put his head down for a second while scratching the back of his neck. I could tell he was nervous.

Knowing he's nervous makes me think it's gonna end bad. He looked up at me.

"I want this. Us. We. I want it to work. I want to be with you. But you have to understand I suck at commitment. So please bare with me and be patient. Puedes hacer eso por mi Ashley?" He asked nervously.

I didn't think at all. My answer came flying out. "Yes Erick I understand and I'll be patient with you!" I said a little too excited.

He chuckled. "So con eso, quieres ser mi novia Ashley?"

"YES!" I jumped on him and kissed him.

I heard a phone ding, it was Erick's. He picked it up and read the message.

He looked up at me. "Me tengo que ir mami." He kissed me again, got up from the bed and left in a hurry.

Texting Him [ Erick Brian Colón ]Where stories live. Discover now