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(Ashley p.o.v)

It was the next day and I was nervous as hell. I just got out of work and texted Erick to make sure that it was okay to go over because I needed to talk to him.

He said sure no problem that Thiago just left and he was bored. I pulled up at his house and got out of the car. I walked up to the door not knowing if I should knock or just walk in.

I decided to not be so rude and knock. I'm freaking sh*tting myself right now. We've been doing so good and the Charlie had to come f**k everything up. Worst thing is that Erick didn't know that I have or had a new guy friend. So I don't know how he'll rake that.

And not that long ago Erick confessed his love for me. Erick hasn't taken many chances on love and he decided to TRY with me and I freaking f**k it up! I'm such a horrible girlfriend.

But wait! I didn't kiss him. He kissed me! He has to believe me. I'm his girlfriend.

My thoughts got interrupted when the door swung open. It was Christopher! Gosh I haven't seen him in so long!

"Ashley." He spoke. "Christopher!" I walked up to him and hugged him. "I missed you!" He said while still hugging me.

"I missed you too!" I said. He let go and I walked in. I turned around when Christopher locked the door.

"You came here to....you know? He asked. "Yeah, where is he?" I asked.

"Esta en su cuarto allá arriba. The guys just left and I was about to do the same." He said. "Okay well I hope to see you soon so we could hang out. I miss hanging out with you Chris." I said.

"Yo también Ashley." We hugged again and then he left. I walked up stairs into Erick's room and saw him watching tv.

When he saw me he smiled. He looked so happy to see me and me over here coming to f**k it up. I smiled back even though it wasn't real.

"Hola amor. Te extañe!" He came up to me and kissed me. "I missed you to babe." I said. "You said you needed to talk?" He asked.

"Uh yeah, you might want to sit down for this." He gave me a weird look but did as told. He sat on his bed while I stood a couple feet away from him.

I can't do this. But I have to. I need to tell him. He needs to know.

"Okay, so this past month you've been really busy, so has Christopher, and Angie. I was working at the café a month ago and this guy came in at closing time. He wanted a coffee so a gave it to him. He asked for my number because he said he was new in town and he wanted someone to show him around. I told him I had no problem with that but that I have a boyfriend. He told me that he just wanted to be friends. We've been hanging out a lot this past month. Well last night he was over at mine hanging out and before he left he kissed me. I swear that it only took me a second to realize what he was doing and I pushed him off. He said that I never talk about you or say what your name was so he thought I was lying about having a boyfriend. He thinks I have feelings for him, which I don't! Before he left he told me to think about it. But before that I went off at him. Again, I swear Erick that I didn't kiss back and we've never done anything more than friends. I don't know why he would think I like him!"

I finished off and looked at Erick, he looked upset. It broke my heart it was because of me.

He was about to say something but his phone went off and be looked at it real quick.

He got up from the bed and shoved his phone into my chest I would be lying if I said that it didn't hurt.

I got the phone to see what had pissed him off. It was an unknown number with a picture of when Charlie kissed me. The text said "she's a fantastic kisser! ;)"

I looked up and saw Erick pacing back and forth while pulling at his hair.

I walked up to him and he stopped in front of me but looked away.

I made him look at me. "Believe me, I would never intentionally hurt you. I really do love you Erick Brian Colón."

Again, nothing came out of his mouth. I hugged him for a few seconds until he pushed me off his really hard that I fell on my side. I wasn't scared of him.

I got up and he turned around. The next thing I never thought Erick would do. He slammed me against the wall. He put his hands around my neck and started choking me.

"I trusted you Ashley! I gave love another f**king try for you! Y tu me haces esto!? Tu sabes como soy cuando se trata de relaciones! Tu sabes como han sido mis relaciones pasadas! Pensé que estaba haciendo muy bien con esta relación! Estaba orgulloso de mi! Nunca pensé que tu eras la que lo iba arruinar! Tu piensas que yo te creo Ashley!? You just showed me that I'm not enough for you! If you didn't want to be with me you should've just told me instead of being a f**king slut! Te dije que te quería Ashley y tu me haces esto!!?" He screamed at me.

Everything was getting blurry and I tried pushing him off me but he wouldn't move. "I-I'm s-sorry" was all I could say.

"F**k you and your sorry!" He yelled. I felt the tears coming down my face.

I heard yelling and the next thing I know I fell to the ground. I couldn't move and I couldn't see properly. It looked like Joel, Richard, and Zabdiel were trying to hold Erick down. I saw Christopher bending down towards me. He was talking but I couldn't hear a word.

I was gasping for air like there was no tomorrow while holding my neck. It took a while but I started hearing better. Richard knocked Erick out and Christopher picked me up making sure I was okay.

I said nothing.

Later that night I was in Erick's guest room. Even though we were in the same house he was blowing my phone up. I guess he woke up. He wanted me to unlock the door so we could talk. I couldn't get a word out. I don't know what would happen if I did. The boys are still here keeping an eye on him.

I got out of my bath, got dressed, walked out, and saw Erick sitting on the bed. He looked up and started walking towards me. Now I was scared of him. I backed up towards the wall and when he was about three feet away from me I dropped to the floor trying to cover myself.

"Please don't hurt me! I'm sorry okay! I'm sorry just please don't hurt me!" I cried out. He grabbed my face making me look at him. I was shaking really bad. He was also crying. He sat down and pulled me onto his lap.

I don't know what came over me but I hugged him so tight. I felt like he was going to vanish any second.

After a few minutes he spoke up. "I'm really really really sorry Ashley. I know this probably means nothing to you but I've never put my hands on a girl like that. It's just that picture pissed me off. I believe you mami okay. I really do. I'm so f**king sorry amor. I love you, I really do."

I did not say a word. He started singing Primera Cita to me and next thing I knew was that I passed out on the floor with me in his arms.

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